Chapter 8

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"I can't believe, you don't trust me to go on a mission on my own mum, this is so unfair." I complained in my most whiney voice as we unpacked the car. The security team had already started to fan out, checking for any potential threats at this point so it was just mother and I at the car.

"Honey, you really are starting to sound like a broken record. I'm here, I'm not going anywhere so I suggest you get used to the idea and start getting into the spirit of things. I mean look sweetie so many things hide just past the boarder of this forest and we don't have your overly cautious father keeping us from exploring the weird and freaky... ooh I'm getting excited just thinking about it." She expressed with a giddy smile lacing her lips.

"But mum this was supposed to be my first solo mission, to prove I can handle these sorts of things without 'mummy and daddy' watching over me, to catch me if I fall, I mean how am I supposed to prove myself if you never let me?" I questioned, whiney voice continuing to emanate from my vocal cords.

"Look, ok first of all I don't appreciate you calling your father and I 'mummy and daddy' so sarcastically. Secondly, Freya as smart as you are and as impressive as you are on whatever field course your father throws at you, you're still just a child I mean you're 13..." she began only to be interrupted by a stubborn teen.

"Almost fourteen, my birthday is in a month."

"Even so you're still very young, and while I'm very proud of you, I still believe you're not ready to be on your own and your father agrees. At  least not until Tanya is there to back you up." Clarified Mum as she placed one hand on my shoulder and the other on my face pulling me towards her, so she could place a loving kiss on my forehead. I closed my eyes automatically, sighing internally, knowing I wouldn't win.

"Now come on, no dawdling we have so much to seehehe." She sang, giddily as she grabbed my pack and shoved it into my chest , causing me to let out a huff with the force, then grabbed her own ran behind me and started pushing me towards the forest, where our security detail waited for our arrival.

"Mum stop pushing! I'm going, I'm going. Jeez anyone would think you were the teenager." I sassed as we got closer to the forests edge. She let out a laugh and let go of my shoulders.

"Ooh I can't wait to see what lurks in the bushes, what swims in the streams, what flies in the trees.  It's just simply amazing how much similarity there is with what we find on earth, the creatures, the plants everything's so unique but familiar. Oh aren't you excited?" She questioned no one in particular as she gazed at the massive jungle ahead of us with wonder.

"I would be more excited if I was exploring it on my own." I stubbornly sassed, earning a sideways glare from my darling mother, and a chuckle from the security guys just ahead of us.

"Keep it up sweetheart, and we'll find out who will be on dish duty for the rest of the trip." Mother warned with a full blown smirk lacing her lips, as she gave my hair a shake, causing me to let out a very whiney 'muuummm!'. Just as she let go of my hair something flew past us and landed on a nearby tree.

The security team jumped into action, pushing us both behind them, grabbing their guns and waving them around trying to spot the threat or at least what they believed to be the threat. This caused both mum and I to roll our eyes and make our way over to them, placing our hands on their shoulders , gaining their attention.

"Gentlemen, while I appreciate your need to protect us, I must insist you calm down a tad and actually look at what flew by." Mum suggested as she motioned towards the tree in front of us where the most adorable little creature was perched, staring at us with the same quizzical expression lacing its furry face as the ones that fell upon our own. This adorable fluff ball looked similar to a monkey but had four arms instead of two, was purple and had what looked to be wings tucked away behind its back.

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