Chapter 23

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Warmth. I felt warmth flood over me as I opened my eyes only to discover I wasn't in the jeep anymore. I was in the void again, but it was hazy like I was having trouble focusing. My legs were slightly unsteady and as I tried to move, they started to give but something stopped me from falling.

"Whoa easy there, I got you!" Chimes rang in my ears and I knew who had caught me. I turned to Selene and saw her face light up with her reassuring smile.

"Selene?" I asked still confused.

"Yep in the flesh, so to speak. I have concluded the Onokvch Hkunjwokonyo, I am back inside your minds. All though you didn't make it easy." She scolded, her palms heating up slightly at her irritation. My mind didn't even have a chance to register the strange words that came out of her mouth as I felt the heat rising by the second.

"Ah... Selene... getting a little hot there." I stated, attempting to shift out of her hold, unfortunately it remained but cooled down.

"Honestly child, healing someone when you're in the middle of an Onokvch Hkunjwokonyo. So reckless." Ah so she was talking about whatever she was doing to restore our energy. Selene released her hold on me and moved away a couple feet before turning to face me.

"I had to try, I won't apologise for saving my friend." I replied standing firm with my decision. Selene shook her head at this with a smile on her lips.

"I never said you needed to apologise, your nobility of sacrifice is but one of the many qualities that drew me to you in the first place. I just wish you and Tanya did it together. Because you attempted it alone it took far more energy and caused a drain on your already depleted reserves. I needed to remain within the transfer longer to restore it." She explained but I only focussed on one of the words she spoke.

"Tanya... where's Tanya?" I questioned as the room came more into focus, I could feel her but she was no where in sight. Selene placed her hand on my shoulder causing me to face her.

"Tanya is fine, she's awake and speaking with her mother, you dosed off on the way back to camp remember?" She asked as she moved a piece of hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear.

"That's it, take it easy! You're safe everything is ok!" Selene chimed in a comforting manner as she wrapped me in a warm embrace. Just that alone was easing my anxiety.

"Hey where's my hug?" A voice questioned from behind me, knowing exactly who it was I released Selene and tugged Tanya into a bear hug.

"Oof... damn girl!" She huffed but returned the hug all the same. I saw a smile lace her lips as she let go of me and went to give Selene a tight hug as well.

"Well that was sufficiently terrifying! Mum says you'll make a full recovery, but she gave us a sedative to help us sleep." Tanya informed me as she sat down cross legged staring up at us. I looked at Selene, we both shrugged at each other  and followed suit.

"Oh how are the guys from unit 5? And Kai how's his ankle?" I rattled off a couple questions as the memories of what happened flooded my mind.

"All are fine. The men from unit 5 who were injured are resting in the next tent over from us and the others were being debriefed the last time I saw them and as for Mal he was fine, a couple of bruised ribs and a fractured ankle. Could've been much worse." Tanya stated relieving my worry.

"You two are impressive, maddening but impressive, it usually takes months to learn how to heal another being and you did it only a few days after Yennoyhinv. I really did choose the right guardians." Selene exclaimed as she placed her hands on our shoulders and gave us a proud smile.

"Oh stop you flatter us!" I joked, gaining a giggle from them both.
As the laughter died down I began to think, questions swirled my mind searching for answers I had yet to find, I looked at Tanya and could tell she was having the same issue.

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