Chapter 26

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"There you two are..." Uncle Jacks loud,gruff voice entered my ears as we rounded the corner of the med tent and came face to face with his frazzled self.

"Do you know how long I've been waiting for you to show me how to work this stupid thing, hell just for you to show me how to shut it off." As he rambled on the guys said their goodbyes, telling us; they'll see us later at dinner.

"Sweetheart they only woke up a little while ago and had to debrief with Colonel Marks before coming here." Aunt Hilary explained trying to calm him down a bit. It was like he had only just seen her behind us, as his face light up like a Christmas tree when he did.

"Oh hello my love I didn't think you would be finished so early, didn't you say you'd be there for at least another few hours?" He asked as he gave her a hug and a quick kiss.

"Yeah that was the plan!" She replied letting him go before turning to glare at us.

"So what happened?" As his questioning continued a couple of techs came out holding up a third who appeared to be knocked out.

"We have stubborn mules for daughters, that's what!" She replied with humour and grit in her voice as though she couldn't decide between laughing at the situation and being annoyed at it.

"I'm more interested in what happened here." I stated, bringing attention to the unconscious tech I finally recognised as Ted Johnson, same age as us, smart guy a little clumsy like uncle Jacks so I can imagine what happened to him.

"Well this idiot decided to let his intrusive thoughts win and picked up the weapon, but he had as much luck as Lieutenant Colonel Riker." The tech to his right answered, who I recognised as his girlfriend Marlee, her humour is pretty similar to ours so we get along great.

"Yeah it was hilarious... I mean stupid and reckless." Laughed the tech to his left none other than her brother Roger, he deceased his little chuckle session when Marlee set a hard glare on him.

"Ok I better shut that thing off before anyone does anymore damage." I voiced as I moved around the others and made my way to the desk that housed the cause of all this drama.

I realised everyone had followed me in and was now watching my every move. As I picked up the device I looked up and found varying degrees of concern on all their faces also looked to be a second away from shouting 'be careful'. I shook my head with a small smile and continued what I was doing.

I turned it upside down, careful to avoid touching the top end, unwound the cap at the bottom where I hooked in the wires and shifted the one connected to the power source, this made it inert I grabbed a wire cap from the bucket beside me and placed it on the unhooked wire so it wouldn't accidentally reengage and placed the cap back on.

"That's all it took?" Questioned Marlee as Ted started shifting from his position on the floor.

"Yep the projector wasn't designed to be used with its own power source, so I had to add a diverter so it didn't overload, the wire acts as a bridge and without it connected the power shuts off." As I gave them the explanation, Ted shifted and next thing I heard was...

"Oh you've got to be kidding!" His voice was gruff and thick with sleep, Marlee made her way over to him and attempted to help him off of the floor. I say attempted because the amount of times she dropped him I couldn't call it help.

"Arghh, Marls come on!" He screeched as we all let out a chuckle, she finally gave in and actually helped him up, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek which by looking at Ted's face clearly meant all was forgiven.

Roger came over to my side, he was one of the few guys our age that was at least a head taller than me so when I turn to look at him, I had to shift my gaze up slightly so I wasn't staring at his chin.

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