Chapter 14

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After a few moments of eating it wasn't long before everyone was telling jokes and swapping stories like we didn't just have a gut wrenching heart to heart with our newest member. I looked over at Alan and felt my smile slowly fade as I could see his didn't quite reach his eyes. It was then that I remembered him back at base and how sad he looked, something was going on with him and I wanted to find out what.

"Hey Alan want to walk the perimeter with me?" I asked as he finished his lunch off, he turned to me as he swallowed the last of his food and gave a quick nod before going to wash up his bowl. I was going to follow him but was stopped by Tanya.

"Hey what's up we always do the perimeter walk, is everything alright?" She questioned knowing something was up!

"Alan just seems a little off, he has since back at base camp figured he might open up if it's just the two of us." Tanya agreed and said she'd get started on the equipment so everything was set up ready for tests when we get back.

"Be careful and don't take too long, we're coming up to the end of the midnight sun and we'll be coming into the equinox within the next day or so, before polar night starts in a week so we don't have much time." She reminded, for some context midnight sun is a phenomenon on earth where at the poles there are weeks of endless daylight, then a few weeks of endless night this is called A polar night. There is also a thing called the equinox where there is equal parts of day and night.

Now on earth these phenomena usually only happen in the northern and southern poles and last for longer periods of time, but on this planet due to its binary star system it's a different situation, the entire planet goes through these phases, but they don't last as long. Fun fact it's also why 12 hours here in this galaxy is the equivalent to a week back on earth. God 'fun fact' I really am turning into my parents.

Basically, we'll have a few weeks of pure daylight, followed by a couple of days of a never ending sunset, a few days of half and half and then having a pitch black black finale for a few weeks and then the whole process starts all over again.

"Hey you still with me? Or did ya get lost in a mind fog again?" Tanya questioned as she placed a hand on my shoulder and gave it a light squeeze, knowing exactly where my head was.

"Yeah sorry I'm good! Don't worry we'll be back soon." I replied giving her a quick hug and heading off to join Alan, who was already walking towards the perimeter.

"Hey wait up!" I shouted as I jogged up to him and wrapped my arm around his shoulder bringing him close with a bounce to my step.

"Jeez, you trying to decapitate me or something?" He questioned giving his shoulders a shrug in an attempt to loosen my grip. I just gave a chuckle and let go of him.

A few moments of silence had gone by as we got further away from camp and I figured now was as good a time as any.

"Hey I've been meaning to ask you something." I state causing him to acknowledge with slight 'hmm' as he continued to check the projectors for any issues.

"Back at base camp you seemed off, like something was wrong, and you've also seemed a little off on this mission what's going on?" I asked hoping he'd confide in me.

"Nothings going on I'm fine!" He replied with a face that could fool even the best poker player, but my friend does have tell when he lies, he shifts his teeth ever so slightly as if he's about to grit them but stops himself.

"Alan please, I'm your friend and I'm worried please just talk to me." I request as I stop him mid stride forcing him to face me. I could see the tears in his eyes.

"Justin requested to be placed with your parents it's why the guys are here, they wanted you to have extra back up to make up for his absence. I found out before we started the checklist." He confessed still not letting his poker face slip but he avoided my eyes as he spoke.

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