Chapter 11

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Standing a few metres from the landing zone, waiting for the ship to make its final descent is boring, to say the least. Once you've found a spot to stand you cannot move, the computer and the pilot locate everyone and every item in its vicinity and lock onto everything, so it can make a precise landing. If even one person moves from their position the ship will abort the landing and override the command.

I think it's a bit of an overkill but Uncle Jacks insists it's the safest way to land our larger ships, plus it gives the pilot a guide for the safety zone of the continent. This continent is still being scanned for the limestone-like substance to see which areas are the most stable, Where we have placed the landing zone towards the edge of where we've scanned, there's still plenty of room but better safe than sorry. As the atmosphere still creates a bit of interference Dad is getting Tony and Jackson to help guide them in.

"OK everyone, remember it's going to get very loud and very windy, Remember to put on your protective goggles and you boys over there..." Father orders pointing at Alan and Justin.

"Yes sir?" They answered standing a tad straighter.

"Remember it's going to be worse over there as your side will have the engines, Duck your head and place your hands over your ears as soon as the sand starts to blow, you may not hear anything yet but the intensity of the engines could blow out your eardrums if you do not protect them. Don't worry about guiding, Tony and Jackson will do it, you are just the barrier alright?" He double-checked which the boys confirmed.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road," Dad muttered as he grabbed his walkie,

"Landing zone clear! You are good to go Colonel Marks." Dad called. There was a bit of static before we received an answer.

"Roger that Colonel Jones, see ya on the ground." Answered Colonel Marks. It wasn't even a minute before the sand kicked up and the wind started to blow, I looked over at Alan and Justin they were doing as Dad commanded. Head bowed, hands over ears and Tony and Jackson were on either side arms outstretched with one to their ears giving instructions for the ship's direction. Within the next moment, the ship was on the ground with a thud and a cloud of dust covered us all.

"God I hate landings, I feel like I dove head first into a sandpit," I stated realising too late what Mum would counter with.

"Well sweetheart if you did that, you'd more than likely have ended up with a broken neck, Newton's third law dear!" She replied with a smirk on her lips.

"Ugh, Mother do you always have to be so literal," I replied shaking my head with a small smile. Before she could answer the ramp door began to open. As the clamps released and the pressure sent out white clouds from the oxygen vapour it wasn't long before the ramp hit the ground and you could see the crew inside. In front were a couple of soldiers from base, standard procedure to have them in front in case of danger. Then our fellow scientists exited the ship in waves, bringing equipment for every form of test you could think of.

We helped shift the equipment so it was out of the way, When we returned I saw Colonel Marks exit the ship with a tall-looking man, sporting a pretty decent scar on his left cheek. I wasn't close enough to hear the conversation but it didn't look like a pleasant one, the guy had a poker face on but the way he looked at Marks you'd think he was an ant and the guy was a boot.

Marks honestly looked like he was about to throttle this stranger. I got closer and could hear a part of their conversation.

"You're not in charge here Mr. Brooks, I do not take orders from you, if you and your team wish to continue on your expedition then you'd do well to remember that. Am I clear?" Marks warned as he stepped closer showing the fact that he was full head taller than this stranger.

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