Chapter 21

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A flash of white light streaked across the sky, highlighting the dark clouds that showed up about five minutes ago, just as mother warned. Rain pelted down with unrelenting might, this storm was here and waited for no one before showing its power. Winds blowing the nearby trees with such force we could hear them creaking and moaning with the strain. This felt more like a hurricane than an ordinary storm.

We shifted the perimeter, turning it from one made of over a dozen to just six projectors, enough to surround four huge, stable trees. Connecting an emergency tent around them meant us and our equipment would be protected from the last threat.
I call it a threat but as I watch the sky flash with light, over and over, hear thunderous claps above loud enough to feel like it shook the ground below and see the rain fall against the world around us I can't help but be in awe at the wondrous beauty that is Mother Nature. Her might is strong and power immense as well as unforgiving, unrelenting. You do not fight Mother Nature you either hold and hope she doesn't destroy you or move out of her way.

"She is having her moment right now, isn't she?" Asked Tanya which sounded more like a statement. I didn't have to ask who she was speaking of, it was clear as we continued to watch the flashes of light.

"Yep, you can say that again! Do you think the retrieval unit is holding station or trying to push through?" I questioned as I looked down at the now soaked radio that was currently placed in the deliquifier, hoping the unit sent to retrieve us had a working tracker system, with new planets it can be a little spotty, particularly with a voracious storm like this one.

"I would say pushing through but with this storm, they might hold to see if it lets up." She answered as she flinch as a loud boom rang through the forest. I looked to my left and saw something move in the distance, it looked medium size, like that of a lion or a tigers. I nudged Tanya and pointed to what I saw, looking back at her I saw her eyes squint trying to get a better view.

"Looks like a large cat of some sort, but are those scales?" She analysed, as she did I took note of the fact that it seemed to be moving in a stalking pattern, zigzagging through the trees, eyes never leaving ours, it was watching us, each movement seemed calculated, each step planned but it wasn't hiding, it wanted us to know it was there.

The bolt of lightning that streaked across the sky and lit up the forest, caused the creatures scales to glow, the greens and browns that probably allowed it camouflage shifted with the light. The hair that peaked out from between the scales in small sections fluttered with the wind. Each step made its claws shift outward slightly from its massive paws. This creature was a hunter, an apex predator and I didn't see anything hunting it back.

"I think it's trying to figure us out, look at the eyes pinpoint slits like a domestic cat or snake. Considering the scales probably more like a snake. Wait if this creature is out in this watching us? And looks quite content doing so!" I started turning my obvious concern to Tanya.

"Then it probably hunts in this sort of weather, the brief of this planets weather system said it was prone to multiple storms all over the planet, it wouldn't be a big leap that predators adapted to hunting in it. But that would mean there are probably others out there, other ones like the one stalking us." She finished as we both stood up, our concern clear on our faces as the newest threat reared its head, but this threat wasn't to us, we were protected with the perimeter shield but the unit coming to get us...

"THE RETRIEVAL UNIT!!" We practically shouted as we scrambled for the radio that still needed an extra half hour before use but this couldn't wait.

"Unit five! Unit five come in, come in!" I called out, using the static as hope for the radio to be working again.

"Unit five! This is urgent, do not leave the vehicle! I repeat DO NOT LEAVE THE VEHICLE!!!" I practically shouted clutching the radio as I stared out at the creature still watching us from a distance.

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