Chapter 12

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As Marks led the way to the back of the ship, many things raced through my mind. What could he want? Why are we singled out? How could we be in trouble when we haven't even done anything yet?
These questions were brought to a halt when we entered a small conference room, with four chairs circled around a small table. Marks sat down first and then motioned for us to sit, we complied as Tanya sat to my right and Alan to my left, I was seated across from Marks. His eyes set, boring into mine.

"Sir, May I ask? Why we are here?" I questioned before he could start.

"I wished to speak to you three as you will soon embark on a week-long mission with my son and would like to inform you of certain things, that could influence it in ways, not beneficial to you." he started.
He released a breath, and clenched and unclenched his hands, clearly feeling uncomfortable with the conversation he was about to have.

"I have already spoken to Colonel Jones and asked him to assess Malachai and see where his head is at in terms of mission-readiness, and he believes he is ready to go out on this one but I wanted to speak to you three as I understand, that you have become close with him and I trust you will watch out for him." Marks requested.

"Sir, that is a given, Kai will be fine but even if he's not we will be there to help him in any way we can," I reassured him of what was always going to happen. Marks gave a small smile at the nickname I have given to his son.

"I'm sorry! But I'm a bit confused, why would Mal have an issue? He's a trained soldier, I mean yeah a bit green, but his training officers wouldn't have signed off if they didn't believe he was fit for duty." questioned Alan, his face contorted into confusion.

"You are correct! His training officers all signed off on his graduation but as you know there is a massive difference between training and real life, and I just don't want you guys to be caught unawares in a dangerous situation if he freezes." Marks explained, clearly holding something back. Probably about Kai's mother.

"Sir, we have all been through many situations where things don't go to plan, many of them with people greener than grass, so you don't have to worry." Tanya tried to reassure him as well, while we nodded along in acknowledgment.

"Yes I'm very aware of your experience, especially you two," he replied looking at Tanya and me.

"But there are certain things in Malachai's past that could haunt him on this mission which other soldiers or scientists don't have in the back of their minds. I'm not sure how much he's told you about his mother and why I retired from field work but I would like to fill you in on a few things, just so you are aware of what might be going through his head." he started but this is where Alan piped up.

"Sir, please you don't have to and quite frankly I don't feel comfortable knowing something personal about Mal that he hasn't told me himself. Look all due respect Sir but this has to come from him, he's a great soldier and we all have our own issues that we can put aside when the need arises, Mal is no different. But as Freya said before if he needs it we will be there to protect him if he falls. As I know he would be for us." he finished and I could see the proud smile, grace Colonel Mark's lips as he listened.

"He's right Sir, No matter what the problem is, we will help him through." Tanya agreed, I nodded along with a reassuring smile.

"You three are truly something and your parents should be proud. Alright, you are dismissed but Freya may I speak to you for a moment?" he requested in a kinder voice than I've ever heard from him.

"Ah sure... I'll meet ya at our tent," I told Tanya as she and Alan exited the room.

"Malachai told you about his mother, didn't he?" he asked as we both sat back down.

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