Chapter 20

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As the energy was released, anguished screams surrounded us, the ground shook as we felt resistance but we were not deterred and pushed in further releasing more energy. The ground began to crack beneath us and warmth flooded beneath our fingers. The last of the energy slipped from our palms, our eyes opened just as the smallest patch of darkness was snuffed out.
We released a breath before collapsing to the ground in exhaustion, my mind fogged by what just happened, I could barely turn my head to look at Tanya, only to find her having the same issue.

"Well that was something!" Tanya puffed as she tried to move but fell to the ground in defeat. I made an attempt of my own with the same result.

"Can't move?" She asked knowing the answer.

"Yep can't move!" I confirmed in an exhausted breath. Selene appeared above us and laid her hands on our chests, above our hearts.

"Well done! No guardian has ever destroyed a Schade so soon after the 'Yennoyhinv'!" She praised with a new word to figure out.

"I don't think I even want to attempt that one!" I uttered trying and failing again to stand up.

"Hold on, you released out not only the extra energy you got but most of your own. You've over exerted yourselves but luckily you didn't get to the point of burn out." She informed us not let us try again to stand, not that it would work.

"But we have to get to the guys, they're still in trouble." Argued Tanya as she struggled with the same exhaustion.

"I know, just give me a moment I'm going to inhabit you!" She stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"What the hell does that mean?" I questioned, still releasing heavy breaths as I said each word.

"Instead of just co-existing in your mind I'll share my energy through your bodies. I will not be available to you in this time , our minds will disconnect so I can focus my energy on restoring yours.
Your bodies cannot handle this type of link for very long so once I have restored most of your energy I'll return to your minds. But I must be clear when I say that you cannot leave each other's sight during this process if you do I cannot begin to even think of the damage it could do!" She warned, as her fingers curled into our shirts the emphasise the importance of what she was saying.

"We promise! But are you going to be ok? If you're giving us your energy won't that hurt you?" I asked concerned for this strange but amazing being.

"No, not at all, it's actually the reason why your bodies can't handle this link for very long, the amount of energy I need to give you to restore is but a blip of what I hold. I also need to release it in small increments so as to not over load you. Once I begin, you'll feel like you again but maybe a bit tired. Are you ready?" She asked after easing our concerns. We only nodded before laying our heads back down on the ground, I moved my hand over with the little energy I had and grasped Tanya's and she grasped mine just as firmly.

"Alright here we go!" She warned before she released the grip she had on our suits and laid her palms out flat, as we watched her, I could feel my chest warming where her palm was placed, then her whole body glowed and within a blink she was gone. But I felt myself become warmer and my energy begin to restore. I shifted, testing the waters; my legs, then my arms and my hips, when I was satisfied I moved into a sitting position, which Tanya mimicked.

"How do you feel?" We asked at the same time, sounded like an echo. We smiled and nodded accepting each other was ok and then I decided to attempt standing up.

"Alright let's try this." I shifted my right leg under me and pushed up off my left leg. I stood, a little wobbly as I tried to get my balance but I stood. Once I was certain I was stable I turned to Tanya and helped her up.

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