Chapter 13

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"Three hours into this expedition and what have we found: Trees, trees, oh wait that's a bush, trees, more trees and some weird-ass flowers that look like they would eat you! Real successful trip so far." Hunter complained as we manoeuvred through the thick vines coating the forest floor.

"Hunter how many expeditions have you been on with us?" I questioned while trying to avoid the giant vines dangling from the treetops.

"God only knows, well oveerrrr.... Ouch!" He just about yelled as he fell over a branch. We couldn't contain our laughter as the chuckles broke through, wasn't long before Hunter joined in.

"Look I know this side of things can get boring, particularly since you guys are here to protect and so far there's been nothing to protect us from but this is a science expedition and you are with scientists, any new species on this planet is a discovery." I replied after our laughter died down. Hunter stopped and took a moment before looking at me...

"Wow you really drank your parents cool-aid, didn't ya?" He countered which earned him a smack over the head.

"Oh shut up, come on according to our readings there's a clearing up ahead we can camp there." I mumbled and walked off shaking my head.

"What's cool-aid?" Tanya whispered to me as we walked off.

"I don't know probably some weird-ass earth drink, you know how fascinated he is by the weird and untoward." I answered as we let out a quiet chuckle.

"If you didn't know what it was why'd you hit him?" She asked as we continued to weave our way through the trees and brush.

"Sounded like an insult! Figured I'd treat it as such." I replied with a shrug. Just then Alan and Kai broke through the vines which is where our clearing should be.

"Hey Frey...


"There's still quite a bit of brush, but it levels out about 20 meters or so ahead, watch your footing!" Alan yelled back a warning.

Tanya and I hung back while the others went through as I thought I heard something but when I turned around there was nothing there.

"Hey you ok?" Questioned Tanya as she placed her hand on my shoulder and a look of concern etched into her features.

"Yeah just thought I heard something like a voice I guess and feels like we're being watched." I replied still looking around.

"Well we probably are being watched, remember what happened on terra 1.." she offered as she also had a quick look around.

"Oh yeah god that little guy was adorable." I replied as I remembered the cute little monkey like creature that followed Tanya and I around for the entire week and we had no idea it was there for the first couple of days, super stealthy.

"There's probably some creature in here watching us from afar and probably just mimicking us as well.

"Yeah you're probably right! Come on we better catch up." I replied as we made our way through the vines only to find Kai standing right in front of me.

"Ahhh, HOLY SHIITAKE MUSHROOMS! You trying to give me a heart attack Kai?" I screamed at him holding my hand to my chest trying to calm my breathing.

"Give you a heart attack what about me? Jeez I can hear my heart beat in my ears." He replied as he took had his hand firmly on his chest and his other one on my shoulder as we balanced ourselves once again in the brush.

I could hear the boys on the other side cracking up and Tanya quietly chuckling behind me.

"What is taking you guys so long, we were worried you'd been eaten." Questioned Hunter as Kai helped us through the vines.

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