Chapter 10

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I couldn't see anything, it was pitch black, god this is becoming a regular thing. Before I could brace myself for overwhelming dread and fear, a flicker of light lit up the space for a second. It was gone before I could see anything but then there was another and another.
After a couple more, I could hear something quiet with each flicker of light. Wasn't long before I realised I was hearing words being spoken and I was slowly being able to understand them.

"They are getting stronger! I'm not sure how much longer we can wait! We need her now!" The voices were hushed but urgent, they sounded familiar yet strange, I couldn't pin point why though.

"Her power hasn't developed like it should have! I don't understand, no one else took this long to develop there powers after the merge." I tried to get closer to see who was speaking but no matter how hard I tried I remained rooted in the same position.

"Maybe it's because she's human, there has never been a human guardian before they are too young, too primitive. I told you she wasn't the one, you are always so reckless Selene." I was confused were they speaking about me.

"She is the one, I know it but it's as if she isn't complete, like she isn't whole and since the merge I feel the same a part of me is missing, my full power isn't here, but it's somewhere close." I tried harder to move, my arms and legs were aching from the strain.

"She's waking up, remember until her power is unlocked, you cannot reveal yourself, you will be trapped within her, this isn't good Selene. I will discuss this with the others and see if there is something else we can do to speed up the process. We don't have long, they will break through soon and when they do we will need all the power we have to keep them at bay." I felt a sadness wash over me, sadness and fear I didn't know where this feeling came from but I didn't want it to last.

I tried again to move, this time I shot right up in my sleeping bag, I was back in the tent feeling more exhausted then when I went to sleep.

"What the hell was that?" I asked myself silently, I looked to my left and noticed Tanya had shifted to her side, she never was a morning person. I ran my hands over my face in an attempt to wipe away the exhaustion that was currently consuming me.
I checked my watch and realised I still had a few hours before I had to be up, but I didn't relish the thought of going back to sleep and returning to what seemed like a land of nightmares. So I got up, careful not to make too much noise so I didn't wake up Tanya.

As I was stepping out of the tent, I managed to trip on one of the cords holding it in place and fell on my face, not my finest moment. Not a second later and I heard chuckling coming from behind me, I shifted, turning around to sit on my butt and realised the source was the one and only Kai,

"Smooth, I give it an 8.5. Next time you got to stick the landing." He did the hand motions of a gymnast as he continue to chuckle, a small smirk on his irritatingly, perfectly imperfect face. I couldn't help but notice the little scar on his cheek as it shifted with his smile. It was like I was entranced by it.

Not noticing my staring he held out a hand, as I grasped it, he pulled me up with very little effort. I thanked him and we made our way over to the pit where last nights fire had been put out. As we took our seats on the fold out chairs still placed in a circle he asked why I was up;

"Couldn't sleep, happens time to time. What about you?" I asked still dusting dirt off my uniform. When on mission we aren't allowed to take off our uniform unless we are changing into a fresh one as you never know when it's armour will be needed.

"I can never sleep for very long in a new place so I said I'd take the last watch before dawn." He informed as he stretched his arms above his head and gave a yawn. He started to talk again before he finished yawning so I couldn't understand what he said.

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