Roleplayers: Discovery and Fall.

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Where to start?

I learned that Azteca is alive. Which gave me hope to learn what the Lady of the Lake was talking about.

When I got there, I learned a lot. Morganthe is stupid, that was the first thing. But I learned about the aura, soul and why my school was marked as "Unknown". Pacal, the mystic at the entrance, answered my questions after I freed the other mystics.

"The Aura of the Shadows is an aura that is passed down through a family known as the Shard Family. It, alongside with the rest of the Hooded Auras, join the Shard Family in its journey of ruling the Spiral. The Aura of the Shadows is typically a combined form of the group. So that means you would be a member of the Shard Family and something happened to the other members."

He went on to ask me what I knew about the Shard Family and the Hooded Auras, but I merely said that I would have to go through my memories to see. After I escaped answering, my mind went into a panic. How was I so stupid?

I knew about the Shard Family and Hooded Auras. But not the Aura of the Shadows. So I had to keep my head down since it seemed no one else knew about this.

Moving around Azteca with such an aura was not easy. It seemed like common knowledge to know about the Shard Family and Hooded Auras. I had to keep lying and say that I had no idea what they were talking about. It wasn't until I met the Princess of Alto Alto was I fucked.

"I know you..." I kept moving. I had to get her healed as it was. I couldn't stop. I pretended not to hear her as I slipped out of her hiding place. When I came back, she repeated herself. Fuck- "I know you. Shard..." I gave my confused act again, hoping to slide by.

"I... don't know what you mean-"

"No... You used to be a holder of the Aura of Support. Now... you have taken a bigger role. What happened to your family?" Curses. I held my tongue. Silence was better than continuing to make myself look like a fool. In fact, I changed the topic.

"We have to go."

Xibalba was a nightmare. I had to hide my aura as much as I could. But it was like someone had let the cat out of the bag a while ago. I charged Morganthe, activating the aura.

"MORGANTHE!" She turned with her servant and spirits at her side. "THIS ENDS NOW! LEAVE AZTECA ALONE OR SOMEONE BLOWS UP YOUR COMET!" She chuckled.

"Ooh! How scary! Then let us see you destroy this comet! Cause it's too late! Azteca will fall regardless of the fate of this battle!" Her servant took to the field, revealing an Undead Malistaire. Oh fuck- Just seeing him made me snap.

This Shard was pissed.

"You... You... YOU!" My aura roared as it encased the battlefield. "TO HELL WITH ALL YOU!" The Undead at his side exploded as I uprooted the ground below him, sending him flying into the abyss. I charged the Spider Witch, clashing with a barrier before she sent me flying.

"Enjoy the final hours of this world!" She disappeared as I snarled. Oh, she was dead.

However, it brought me a little bit of relief to know that this world, which seemed to be the only people who knew who I was, would be fading. In fact, on the walk back to the Zocalo, I dropped to my knees and lost it. I let out a hysterical laughter, knowing I had won one major battle in this world. Had I saved it? No. Was my identity safe? Yes. For now at least. I let my sanity run wild for a moment before I calmed myself down. It was good that I did it now instead of in front of all the people who would be awaiting the end of their lives.


The raid of Khrysalis had good news and bad news.

Good news: I would be on my own for most of it.

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