Mlm: Welcome to the Kingsisleverse.

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It is said that magic and pirates do not mix well.

I say fuck you and your shenanigans.

Moving on.


I'm going to say this now. I forgot most of the Kingsisleverse. I remember grabbing Marinea for her energy charge. And holy shit did my team get triple times stronger. I was doing ultimates and combos left and right. And Sapphire was murdering bosses before they moved. Since Energy Charge is introduced in the Kingsisleverse, to say my team is stronger is an understatement.

When it came to the Elites, I had to grab Kevin the second he was open. While he isn't the strongest, he was fun to play and added to my energy charge.

Then came the pirates. I grabbed Remmy since I knew in the future I would need him.

I would also like to make known that I made Blossom a Storm Musketeer. Then I made Mlm a Myth Witchdoctor.


When it comes to battles, the only struggles I had were Grizzleheim's Dungeon, Valencia's Dungeon, and Wallaru's Boss.

For the Grizzleheim Dungeon, I leaned heavily on Marinea's Energy Charge and Sapphire/Mlm's Combos. If I wasn't doing Combos every other turn, I was dead. Thankfully, Marniea had Sapphire's Combos charged before the turns ended, so I was good.

When in the Valencia Dungeon, Pink was actually my saving grace. She tore down wave after wave and I had to reassemble my team to work with her skill set when I died.

Then there was the Wallaru Boss. I forgot we are supposed to lose this battle. So I was confused when the game continued.


Oh! I forgot about Summer! Oh shit!

Summer was grabbed between the Pirates and Wizards. It was great because Diamond's shield was wearing down. So she really refreshed the team while adding an Ice Applicant.


That is all. I'm sorry for the short chapter. The Hoyoverse should be longer. Bye!

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