Eyrin: I'm Literally Messing with You.

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As the leader, being the one to know everything was fun because Lapis knew he was there. What did he do? He seemed to like the plan to keep his mouth shut. In fact, Lapis showed what one of the twists was. The leader had been confused on what it meant by Wall Breaker until they were resting in his temporary room for the night.

"You know what you're doing." The leader spun around to see a female giggling at his reaction. "The fourth wall is only so strong."

"Huh?" He then thought about her words. "Wait..." She smiled.

"I said what I said. Don't you know?" It clicked. Wall Breaker. The fourth wall. He stared at her as she giggled. "I apologize for the rudeness. Tiffany. I am Lapis's true form under the 'Secret ID/Past'. So glad to meet you before the fun begins." He paused before he smiled.

"What are you planning?"

"Nothing too dangerous. But... Nothing nice either. Let's see how the story plays out, shall we? And let's see how quiet we can be."


Using what Tiffany told him, he was able to understand the twists of everything. He made a file for the others before going to the bar, having Lapis give it to Star with a note to keep it between her and White. That got agreement before he continued on the story, helping out around town before Jessie asked him for some assistance in the night. Lapis silently agreed before handing her a note that said that he had an 'ally' that was going to be at the bar to introduce herself and help them out somewhere in the middle. Tiffany enjoyed the reaction from her.

"Her? Who is this person?" Lapis refused to elaborate, which got quite the irritation from Jessie before she agreed to be at the bar to meet the person. Tiffany smiled.

"Alright. Time to roll. Let's get to the living space and change. You don't have to watch."

"Good. I would've hurt you if I did."

None of AVALANCHE knew that Lapis and Tiffany were the same person, as Tiffany vocalized her answers and Lapis kept his trap shut. So while Tiffany played her part, the two boys watched her act.

"Psycho." Lapis nodded as Jessie pulled Tiffany to the side and mentioned what she talked to Lapis about. Tiffany smiled and let her know that she knew about it and that he told her in a note. While Jessie was confused, she waved it off and thanked her.


Lapis led the way to the mission before the leader voiced a problem.

"How will you change? They'll be watching."

"I'll play a little game of magic."

"Oh, fun."

Lapis did the mission to get the keycard for Jessie. But Tiffany caused a scene. She fought everything in their path before Jessie pulled them out.

"Thanks Miss Tiffany."

"No worries." Biggs gulped.

"Where's Lapis?"

"I'm sure he slipped away to not get involved. He does that. I'll see you guys back at Sector 7."

Lapis took over the walk back since Tiffany didn't pay attention during the route to the place.


The trio had all hands on deck when the Specters attacked. While Tiffany's abilities were better for the fight and Lapis stood in the front for them, the leader's Plot Core saved AVALANCHE from the ambush.




Tiffany gasped as the armor pushed the Specters back, giving the group time to catch their breath before White gulped.

"What the-" Lapis said nothing as Tiffany glanced at the leader. He gulped before Lapis raised the Buster Sword and forced the Specters back further, letting them know that it was either leave or the plot had a place for them in hell. They chose to leave before Lapis helped them into the bar. Star gulped.

"What was that?"


"?" The leader kept his mouth shut as Star sighed.

"Never mind- that's a lost cause." He could hear Li and Iy's frustration, but that's why he was sure they knew what happened.


Jessie was unable to go to the next mission, so Lapis took her and Wedge's spot while Star and White led the way.

"Will you say anything?"

"Don't answer that Lapis."

Lapis merely gave the leader of AVALANCHE a look before Star erupted into giggles.

"Oh dear- Here we go again-"

"Say something, you punk!"

Lapis merely answered with his eyes, asking if she was serious. The giggling only got louder as White cursed.

"Dammit! Come on!"

"This is amazing-"

"Shut up, Star!"


Working through to the reactor was a joyride. Well, for the MC team. Lapis drove them up a wall keeping his mouth shut.

"Does he not say anything?"

"Why are you asking me?"

"Should've gotten popcorn."

"Are you kidding me?"

Once inside, Lapis enjoyed the nonsense.

"Are you fucking with me?"

Lapis nodded, causing Star to grab her mouth and a yell from White.


"Oh my god-"

On their way out, Lapis finally answered one question. With a note of course. It enraged White, but it was hilarious for the rest.

"One word! Say something!"

"White. Calm down. Please."


No, the fall was not fun. But they found Luhvi-Riok. When Lapis woke up, the leader convinced him to give the flower boy, Cedar, the symbol, which got one back in response. Found you.

"Oh finally. Someone that isn't a bunch of murderers." Tiffany chuckled as Cedar helped Lapis to his feet before Shinra joined them. Oh great. Tiffany paused.

"Turks? Lovely. The only group of people I can't beat. But I think I can push them off."

"Got it."

Tiffany was able to activate her aura, which forced Reno to collapse quickly before the Specters got them out of the room. Once they escaped the Turk and his little friends, Cedar led them to Sector 5, avoiding more Turks and getting them to his house. Just as they were gathering flowers to take to the Leaf House, the hum arrived.

"Damn. Another day to annoy them."

"Oh lord-" He smiled at Tiffany's sigh.

"I'll be back."

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