The gravity of the situation demanded discretion and careful deliberation, and Jeongguk was determined to navigate the treacherous waters ahead with prudence and resolve, even if it meant defying the directives of those in power.

Mr. Han was rendered speechless yet, he knows when to remain quiet and not put up questions. The journey to Solace, the headquarters of Ji’s business and Government felt stretched as the assistant had no idea what was going to happen there and what is Jeongguk planning on talking about. 

His hair had started to grey now and he was not at the age to take this much stress yet, he couldn’t control his nerves. He hears Jeongguk speak from behind. 

When Jeongguk's voice broke the silence, it jolted him from his reverie, causing him to shift uncomfortably in his seat. 

"Do you doubt my power? Why are you this nervous?” Jeongguk asks. His voice was deep. Jeongguk's question hung in the air, a challenge laced with an undercurrent of amusement.

"I never doubted it," Mr. Han replied hastily, his tone tinged with a hint of apprehension. "I'm just... concerned about the repercussions. Leader Ji's actions may lead to making you upset..."

A chuckle from Jeongguk interrupted his train of thought, surprising him with its familiarity. It was a side of Jeongguk he hadn't seen in years, reminiscent of their earlier days together. Memories of Jeongguk's rebellious spirit during his training days flooded his mind, reminding him of the fire that once burned brightly within him.

"Well, he already did," Jeongguk admitted, his voice tinged with defiance. "And since he's soured my day, I'll return the favor."

Mr. Han couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia mingled with apprehension as he observed Jeongguk's newfound resolve. It was a side of him long suppressed, buried beneath layers of duty and familial obligations, as imposed by his family upon handing him over the Jeon's leadership. 

But today, in the face of adversity, that dormant fire had been reignited, and Mr. Han couldn't help but wonder what repercussions it might bring.

The driver pulled up to the stop, the anticipation in the air was palpable. With practiced grace, he swiftly exited the car, bowing low as Jeongguk emerged from the vehicle, a silent acknowledgment of respect for his position and authority. Mr. Han followed closely behind, his demeanor a mixture of apprehension and deference.

Approaching the imposing facade of Solace headquarters, they were greeted by the receptionist, who bowed respectfully in recognition of Jeongguk's arrival. Her words, though polite, conveyed a hint of apology for the inconvenience of their unannounced visit, informing them of the Leader's ongoing meeting and the necessity of waiting in the guest room until its conclusion.

Jeongguk accepted the news with a stoic nod, his silence speaking volumes as he followed the attendant through the corridors of the grand building.

Jeongguk and Mr. Han traversed the halls of Solace, they were enveloped in an atmosphere of reverence and heritage. The building itself, with its grand ancient architecture, bore the proud emblem of a wolf's face engraved upon its entrance—a symbol of the Ji family's roots and identity, serving as a constant reminder of their legacy.

Inside, the halls were spacious and exquisitely adorned, each corner adorned with displays showcasing the achievements and tributes to the three pillars, particularly their esteemed branch. The air was thick with a sense of history and reverence, as if every inch of the building held echoes of the past.

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