Chapter Forty-Eight

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A/N - last chapter in Niyah's POV NO😭

And our last glimpse of the rest of the Delgados (for now)❤️


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"Doesn't twenty-one look amazing on me?", Xav asked the second his picture was done being taken, letting go of the '2' and '1' balloons that floated to the ceiling yet again.

"You look like an idiot", Caleb rolled his eyes, shoving his brother's head and pulling the huge pair of green glasses off his face, "sure you didn't switch the numbers up? 12 seems more fitting".

"The only one who would switch shit up is you", Xander came over, snatching the glasses from Caleb and placing them on his own face, "probably letters though, not numbers". I wasn't sure what his teasing meant, but Caleb had tackled his brother into a headlock in seconds, the pair of them beginning to fight playfully with each other whilst Zane shook his head from the other side of the room.

"They're stupid, ignore them", Izzy sat beside me on the sofa, handing me a slice of chocolate cake, "I've been ignoring it for nearly four years".

Xav and Xander's 21st birthday had been yesterday, and while they spent the day with their significant others, we were now having a small celebration at Zane's today instead. Marco's cousins were one of the biggest forms of entertainment I'd ever encountered, much like my brothers in law back at home.

"We're stupid, hm?", Xander broke apart from Caleb and began tickling his sister, she shrieked from beside me and started shouting at him to stop.

"You are being mindful of my wife and children, correct?", I felt Marco behind me before I saw or heard him, his tattooed hands resting on the back of the sofa on either side of me, the distinctive scent of his cologne filling my nostrils instantly.

Xander stopped tickling Izzy immediately and she stilled, turning to look at her eldest cousin with a sheepish expression.

"Sorry Marco", she glared at her brother for a split second, "Aniyah".

"Nothing to apologise for", I shook my head, smiling when my husband lifted my chin upwards and kissed my forehead, "if these babies are anything like their father, they'll be tough anyway".

"And their mother", he chimed in, kissing my forehead again before moving his hand from my chin. 

"So did anyone expect Marco to be into PDA?", Xander scoffed, nudging Caleb with his arm, "you're whipped".

"As if you're in any place to talk about being whipped", Eli came over, nodding towards Jax who was sitting on the other sofa with Addy, who was due to give birth in the next two weeks or so, "you've been away from Jax for what? Three minutes? Is that a new record?".

"Did that car accident knock sense out of you?", Xander asked and I felt Marco stiffen behind me, I knew he still thought about that night even three months on.

"You're hilarious", Eli said dryly, sitting in between Izzy and Zeke with a sigh, "is he always insufferable?".

"You know the answer to that question", Izzy snorted, earning herself a middle finger from Xander.

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