Chapter Two

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A/N - time to meet the woman who will drag Marco by his neck😍😍


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"You have an addiction, we need to hold an intervention", I squeezed the stack of books tighter against my chest and frowned, I know she wasn't talking.

"Can you see the bags you're holding, Jas?", I stared at her incredulously, the masses of shoeboxes and clothes she was carrying around putting my lack of shopping to shame.

"So?", she scoffed, lifting a shoulder, "I'm wearing this shit, are you wearing that paper?".

"I wish I was", I muttered, knowing she didn't understand the hold men who were fictional had on me, "five more minutes".

"You said that twenty minutes ago", she rolled her eyes and did a slow three-sixty of the bookstore, taking it in, "as your best friend, I'm worried".

Oh please.

Jasmine and I were one and the same, had been since we were five, even despite the things we didn't have in common. She was the biggest extrovert I knew, the life of the party, and had a crippling addiction to buying clothes and shoes whenever she could. I was on the introverted side, could be outgoing when necessary, but would much rather sit at home in sweats and a huge-ass t-shirt while reading a book.

"Worried my ass", I scoffed, "fine. We'll leave, Dad wants to talk to me anyway". Her expression hardened, an eyebrow raising in my direction expectantly which made me shift under her gaze.

"And is this conversation about a certain piece of shit you don't want to marry?", she asked and I groaned, stepping past her and approaching the counter, dropping the six books down in front of Lex; one of the only people who saw my face as much as Jas did.

"I thought you weren't coming back for two weeks", he raised an eyebrow, I was met with narrowed eyes and an amused expression, "Niyah".

"Lex", I mirrored his tone, "it's great to see you too, how have I been? Oh, wonderful, thanks".

"I hate you", he scowled playfully as I pulled out my purse, "Jas is here, that's new".

"Lex", my best friend appeared beside me and pointed a finger, "your hair".

"My hair", he repeated, "what about it?". I handed Lex the money and waited while my books were put into a bag, taking note of his blonde buzzed hair- how hadn't I noticed?

"You've changed it", Jas said as if it were obvious, "give us a spin". Nothing but a deadpan look in return.

"Please?", I grinned, "I won't come back for two weeks".

"I've learned not to trust those words", he gave us a reluctant spin regardless and we cheered quietly, "you two keep my job interesting- speaking's the whole marriage thing going?".

The marriage thing.

Code for 'I'm being forced to marry a complete dick at the expense of helping my Dad's business'. Business being code for the drug trafficking, the weapon trade, the violence. I tried to ignore my family's lifestyle as best as I could, but now- being twenty-three and forced into an arranged marriage- I couldn't exactly hide from the harsh reality like I used to.

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