Chapter Twelve

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A/N - they make me sick I'm too single for this 💔

Wedding bells coming...


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My wedding day was something I'd spent my childhood fantasising about.

Sure it'd been after watching movies about Disney princesses, wishing I could be in their position instead; I'd clung onto those fantasies until I was old enough to realise that real life was not steering me in that direction, that I'd be handed to a man that I probably wouldn't have a connection with.

And although I'd known Marco for a month, I knew I'd gotten lucky with him being the man I was due to marry today- even if he pushed me away and came home covered in blood sometimes.

He also made me feel safe, looked devastatingly handsome, and had killed my previous fiancé when he laid his hands on me.

"You look so fucking unreal right now", Jas placed a hand on my shoulder and squealed, "you're making me blush Niyah". I scanned my body from head to toe in the full-length mirror that Jas, Lex and I were standing in front of, taking in my dress as well as my whole appearance.

Today honestly felt like one of the biggest fever dreams of my life, and I could only assume it felt the same for Marco.

"He picked this?", Lex asked, gesturing to my dress and referring to my soon-to-be husband, "at least we know he's not lacking in the fashion sense department". I agreed with him but wouldn't know for sure...I was still yet to see Marco in something that wasn't a three-piece suit, it's like they were fused to his body.

"You two are sure it's okay?", I checked with the pair of them, smoothing my fingers down the white fabric, not moving my eyes from my own reflection. The dress was beautiful, there was no denying it, the material flowing to the floor and covering my feet yet not being too extravagant to the point where it would leave a trail and drag behind me as I walked.

"It's perfect, you look beautiful", Lex assured me, a warm smile on his face as he adjusted his white tie a little; he was in an all white suit and Jas in a matching dress.

While our wedding was anything but traditional, Marco had chosen Emiliano to be his best man regardless; that had resulted in me granting both Jas and Lex the title of being my maid/man of honour- they'd both equally been there for me for as long as I could remember and were the only two people I'd class as my friends as of now.

"How are you feeling?", Jas asked, making sure all of my braids looked okay; that was a loaded question that I didn't have a clear cut answer for, like I said- fever dream.

"All over the place", I turned away from the mirror and looked at him, "I know this could be worse- I could be marrying fucking Weston- but this is my wedding day, and it's all based around some stupid business alliance-".

"And as shitty as this all is...I think Marco actually cares about you Niyah", Jas cut me off, glancing from Lex back to me, "from the little we've seen and heard anyway". I hoped I wasn't being delusional, because the majority of me felt the same way too.

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