Chapter Forty-Three

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A/N - bet you weren't expecting this notification ❤️❤️

Soft Marco and the extended Delgado family this chapter 🫶🏾🫶🏾

No fancy formatting today my Wattpad is taking the piss today 😭



I'd experienced my fair share of nervousness in my twenty-eight years of life, yet today I felt as if I was about to faint from anticipation. I supposed finding out the genders of all three of your children would do that to you.

"I've never seen you fidget", Aniyah mused, practically squirming in her own seat beside me, "how are you feeling?".

"I'll be happy no matter the outcome", I replied, "as long as they're healthy".

And I meant it, even though I was secretly hoping for a daughter.

"You didn't answer my question", she tilted her head and I smirked, she was becoming just as observant as I was; I appeared to be rubbing off on her at this point.

"Excited, nervous", I reeled off, squeezing the steering wheel a little tighter, "and you?".

"I don't think I've ever been more excited in my life", a short laugh escaped her and my lips lifted into a smile, "but like you said, I just want them to be healthy".

This time last year I was a miserable piece of shit, with no prospects outside of my office or being an older brother, and certainly no desire to fall in love. Fast forward to now, and I had a wife who I could say with confidence that I was in love with, and she was due to bless us with three beautiful children in the next few months; it felt as if everything was finally falling into place.

"They will be", I assured Aniyah, reaching over and placing a hand on her thigh, "they'll be happy too, I won't stand for anything other than that".

"You're gonna be the greatest dad, you know that right?", the smile on her face was blinding, and one of my favourite things in existence; her words sunk in a few seconds later.

"I hope so", I replied, unease settling within the pit of my stomach, "that's all I want".

"And you will be", she promised, placing her hand on top of mine and intertwining our fingers, "let's go find out what we're having". As I said, the most nerve wracking experience of my life.


"I'm seeing three strong heartbeats, three healthy babies", relief hit me in an instant, and I watched Aniyah deflate while the probe was moved around her stomach, her hand squeezing mine a little tighter at one point, "all three appear to be roughly the same size, however baby C is slightly smaller than the other two".

"But they're okay?", I checked, receiving a certain nod in reply, "do you know if they're boys or girls?".

"Would you two like to know?", she asked us, Aniyah nodding eagerly as I smirked, replying in a much calmer manner; my wife's thumb began to trace the back of my hand gently as I tried to force myself to stop shaking, not knowing what had gotten into me today.

"We're too impatient not to know", Aniyah chuckled, looking at the screen which was to her right and now angled so the two of us could see- the three small shapes had my chest constricting, knowing they were ours.

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