Chapter Fifteen

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A/N -  aren't I the best 😛😛

Scenes of violence at the beginning ‼️



The smell of blood had been permanently ingrained into my nostrils at this point, and I couldn't be any more elated.

I'd been...working on the poor excuse of a man who had dared to lay a finger on my wife last night for at least six hours now, trying to prolong his torture for as long as possible.

But even now, at nearly ten in the morning, I could hear his breathing beginning to slow, see him slipping in and out of consciousness...the sight giving me nothing but an early morning serotonin boost.

I thought back to the shaken look on Aniyah's face the second I'd opened that door at around two in the morning, and suddenly I was letting the baseball bat I'd acquired collide with his stomach, a satisfying crack filling the air. I'd dished out all the words I needed to, and now that the man was barely conscious, or coherent for that matter, I could focus on mutilating his body in peace.

Who needed sleep when I could kill a man in the comfort of my basement?

I hadn't moved from the room once, completely in my element and refusing to walk upstairs and get back in touch with reality. That and the fact that seeing Aniyah's face would most certainly drive me to charging back downstairs and shooting the man in between his eyes.

And I wasn't done with him yet.

"Marco?", my head snapped to the side, the grip I had on the pocketknife in my hand tightening as I made eye contact with Ezekiel. My brother was shirtless, a pair of grey sweatpants on, and his usual masses of bracelets covering his wrists; he was hovering at the bottom of the staircase and watching me intently with an unreadable expression.

"You okay?", I asked him, knowing this was the first time I'd come face to face with him since his panic attack yesterday. He appeared to be tired, only signalling to me that he too hadn't gotten much sleep last night, or any for that matter.

"What did he do?", he dodged my question with a question and I raised an eyebrow, receiving an eye roll in return, "I'm fine". I didn't believe him for a second, yet I let it slide for now.

"He thought it would be wise to grope Aniyah at the club last night", I let my gaze flicker between the scum and my brother, the latter's eyebrows furrowing as he took a step closer.

"Is she okay?", he asked first, clearly caring about her. He'd seemed to have taken a liking to my wife more quickly than I initially thought he would, and I was grateful that he had another person who he trusted, to an extent anyway.

"She'll be fine", I nodded once, twirling the blade around my fingers thoughtfully, "I'm afraid I can't say the same for him". I watched Ezekiel from the corner of my eye, he approached the scene and stood beside me, just watching with his head slightly cocked to the side.

"Could you?", I faced him fully, trying to decipher the expression on his face, "that's not fair, what he did to Aniyah".

"It's not", I agreed, keeping my eyes trained on him for a moment, "why don't you finish the job?". I'd never been one to shy away from violence in front of my brothers- even after the man who had raised us in the middle of it met his demise; if they wanted to indulge in the same outlets I did, then so be it.

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