Chapter Twenty-Four

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A/N - Shorter chapter but big things are coming hehe...


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I was making my husband's pockets hurt.

For someone who might as well have been on his knees begging for me to spend his money, Marco should be grateful for the act I was carrying out right now.

I was holding at least ten bags of clothes and making my arms burn, two bags containing new pairs of shoes, and potentially a bag containing a gift for Marco- bought with my own money of course.

Once I'd eventually deemed his card rinsed enough for now I got into my BMW and made my way home, completely satisfied with my early afternoon shopping trip. It was the 22nd of November now, and how I'd been living here for almost three months, almost married for that amount of time, was beyond me.

But I had to admit I was loving every second of it, and my husband wasn't nearly as bad company as his reputation made him out to be- I supposed it was my own fault for believing the rumours.

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After hauling all of my bags to the front door and thanking one of the guards for opening it for me I slipped inside, the sound of voices in the kitchen making me head in that direction instantly once I'd kicked off my shoes.

Marco as well as all three of his brothers were in the room, the twins bickering over something on the sofa while Emiliano made a sandwich at the counter. Marco was sitting at the kitchen island with his open laptop in front of him, what could only be a peppermint tea in one hand; his eyes met mine straight away, he peeled his gaze from mine to the masses of bags, his lips lifting upwards in amusement.

"Was my money spent?", was all he asked, his voice causing the twins to shut up and turn to face us, "Aniyah".

"For the majority", I replied, his eyes narrowing and jaw tightening, "relax, it wasn't that much of my own".

Technically a pair of one-thousand-three-hundred-dollar cufflinks and a one-thousand-dollar chain bracelet wasn't pocket change, but he didn't need to know that.

"Why do I get the feeling she's lying?", Eli snorted, joining us in the kitchen followed closely behind by Zeke, "that's a lot of bags".

"I decided to treat myself", I lifted a shoulder, located the bag containing Marco's gifts and placed it on the island, "there you go". He placed his drink down and looked at the bag, apparently he had a rough estimate of the price already just by seeing the brand name.

"Aniyah", he repeated my name, one hand latching around the handles of the small bag, "not that much, hm?".

"Just open it", I told him, fiddling with my braids, "you're leaving them in suspense".

"Yeah Marcy, hurry up", Emiliano clapped from beside him, "my sandwich is going cold".

"It's already fucking cold", Eli rolled his eyes, "but yeah, hurry up". We all watched him take out the two jewellery boxes and place them on the counter; I couldn't tell if he was taking his sweet time on purpose or if this was him being his usual precise self.

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