Chapter Eight

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A/N - this was NOT meant to be this long😭😭


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It took a good few seconds for me to register my surroundings when I first opened my eyes.

A bed bigger than my own at home, two huge wardrobes against two of the walls, a set of drawers to my right, and a coat stand in the corner by the door.

No personality to the space whatsoever, and while I had suspected this was a spare bedroom for a moment, this place just screamed Marco.

Smelled like him too.

Although I was trying not to read into it too much, I definitely hadn't fallen asleep here last night, which could only mean I'd been brought up here instead.

Meaning Marco probably carried me to his bed.

While I was wearing nothing but a t-shirt and underwear.

And the other side of the bed was unslept in, meaning I'd basically kicked him out of his own room.


Deciding to venture into his en-suite I discarded my bonnet, and located a spare toothbrush under his sink; only did I slip out of his bedroom once I'd freshened up.

"Aniyah", I made it a few steps down the stairs before my name was called, deflating slightly when I realised it was Eli. In the less-than-twenty-four-hours that I'd known the nineteen year old I'd realised he was the complete opposite of his eldest brother, no matter how strong their physical similarities were.

He'd taken welcoming me into their home in his stride yesterday, inviting me to play Mariokart with the three of them, an activity I quickly learned they took extremely seriously; I was just glad Marco's brothers weren't as emotionless as he was.

"Eli", I smiled as he tugged a black t-shirt over his head and followed me downstairs, "any clue on how I ended up in your brother's bed?". He snorted, stopping to check his tangled hair in the round mirror on the wall before facing me, I'd deemed him the easiest to talk to so far even though he was four years younger than me.

"Definitely Marco", he replied, cocking his head towards the kitchen, "the three of us woke up on the sofa".

"He left you all down there?", Eli only laughed at my question, tapping the top of the door frame before entering the room, I trailed close behind and smiled at Emiliano who was sprawled out on the sofa, then Ezekiel who was making himself a bowl of cereal.

"Just showing us his brotherly love", Eli grinned at me, then approached his twin and slapped him on the shoulder, "isn't it a beautiful day?".

Zeke shrugged him off, picking up his breakfast and leaving the room as if it were on fire, brushing past me in the process.

"He woke up on the wrong side of the sofa", Milo snorted, waving it off, "uh, Marco went to work early, he'll be back...when he's back". They seemed just as kept in the dark as I was to be honest.

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