Chapter Forty-One

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A/N - look who's back 🫶🏾🫶🏾

TW - brief mention of self harm

The blueprint, the man, the myth and the legend is back in the first scene ❤️❤️❤️



I preferred keeping my life private, keeping myself to myself, and not mingling amongst the general public.

It sounded narcissistic of me, but I couldn't find any fucks to give.

It was the fifth of April, and instead of relaxing in bed with my pregnant wife, the two of us had been invited to breakfast by my cousin and his partner; and because Zane wasn't on my level of pettiness, he hadn't paid to have the restaurant closed to everyone but us.


"We're really glad you guys could make it", Phoenix beamed from ear to ear, because the man literally radiated sunshine- the complete opposite of Zane; but then again Aniyah was the opposite of me, "I know you should probably be resting-".

"Oh please", Aniyah waved him off, "if I hear the word rest one more time I'm gonna go insane". My lips twitched up into a smirk, I know I'd probably been slightly...excessive in taking care of my wife, but she was carrying three children, bound to be exhausted.

"I have no doubt he's been playing doctor", Zane mused, sipping his black coffee and pulling Phoenix's chair closer towards him- he was worse than me.

"He has", Aniyah confirmed with a chuckle, "I love it though".

"Zane's the same with me changing his insulin devices", Phoenix claimed, chin tipping up in pride even when my cousin rolled his eyes, "speaking of..are your sugar levels okay?".

"They're fine, just like they were ten minutes ago", he replied, kissing his partner's temple before clearing his throat, "what are we eating?".

"Avocado toast", my wife and I said simultaneously, she chuckled while I smirked afterwards.

"See? They're even in sync", Phoenix nudged Zane, a wide smile on his face, "I still can't believe you guys are having triplets".

Neither could I, I didn't think it would be real until they were in our arms later on this year- we'd been told triplets were usually born around six weeks early...meaning they could be here around the start of August.

In four months time.

"Tell me about it", Aniyah grinned, "we just can't wait to meet them". That was the biggest understatement of the year.

"Do you two have any ideas for names?", Zane asked, barely taking his eyes off of Phoenix. Whilst some may have found his infatuation with his partner annoying, or rude seeing as we were out for breakfast together, even I couldn't deny the happiness that filled me at the sight of my older cousin finally being content.

I'd watched him go through everything, unimaginable things, and I couldn't be more grateful to see that he had Phoenix now, believing without a doubt in my mind that Zane would be making him his husband in the near future.

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