Chapter Twenty-Three

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A/N - 2am but here we go❤️❤️

TW: this chapter contains upsetting scenes, and scenes surrounding self harm (second half)



I'd gotten Aniyah sick.

Because my pathetic and selfish self stuck to her like glue while I was at death's door, she'd only picked up the same illness I had a week prior...minus the being sick.

Thank fuck for that.

I wasn't the guilty or remorseful type, but looking at my wife laying in bed and surrounded by tissues and practically coughing up a lung had me hating myself even more than I previously did.

"It's a cold man, she's not on life support", Elijah hit my head with a fork, I just glared at him in response, "you need to work on your smiles".

"Leave him alone", Ezekiel, ever my defender, rolled his eyes and gave me a weak smile, "I think it's cute, look how worried he is about her".


Of course he found it cute.

"Is somebody in loveee?", I fought the urge to either shoot him or myself as he sang in my ear; if there was anyone who knew how to get on my last nerve it was Elijah- he was insufferable.

"You have two seconds to remove your hand from my shoulder", I announced to which he laughed, lifting his hand regardless, "hurry up and cook". Because I was nothing short of useless in the kitchen and struggled to follow the simplest of recipes, I'd tasked the twins with making Aniyah breakfast which they'd agreed to instantaneously.

Little did they know I was due to take credit for whatever it was they concocted.

"Hurry up and cook", Eli mocked me, facing his twin, "escuchas las campanas de la boda?".


"Ya están casados", Zeke muttered, shaking his head in resignation.

"Oh yeah", Eli snorted, both of their backs now facing me as I rolled my eyes, "who knows? There could be a round two in the future". Not even wanting to think about a second wedding as of now I drowned the pair of them out, scrolling aimlessly through my phone until a notification from Rio popped up.

A photo of Reyna and Sol sitting on their bedroom floor and covered in baby lotion from head to toe, with the attached message saying "pray you only have one".

My lips twitched up in amusement as I typed out a reply, telling him to keep an eye on them- no pun intended of course.

"See? Look how much he's smiling", my face fell as I glanced up at Elijah who surrendered instantly, "okay, I'll shut up".

We'd see how long that lasted...


After the twins had produced an edible looking plate of french toast that would've put whatever I created to shame, I ascended the stairs with it on a tray alongside a peppermint tea, the biggest task of all was trying not to drop it on the carpet.

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