Chapter Thirty-Seven

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A/N - I can never leave you on a cliffhanger for too long ❤️❤️

I promise all is well...



If you'd told me I'd be seconds away from falling asleep and then receiving a call informing me my brother was in hospital in the middle of the night, I would've laughed.

Or put a bullet in your temple, depending on how I felt.

Yet here I was, speeding towards the hospital with one hand- I'd insisted on driving despite everyone's protests- my brother being okay was the only thing on my mind.

Elijah was the reckless one, the adrenaline seeking one, always toying with the line between life and death as if he were untouchable, and having heard he'd been in some kind of accident tonight?

I would place all of my money on the certainty that it had something to do with one of his vehicles.

Emiliano was in the passenger seat of my BMW, tracing the light scars on his forearms rhythmically in complete silence; I could just sense him running through everything that could've gone wrong to our brother.

Aniyah and Ezekiel were in the backseat, the latter was practically inconsolable while my wife tried to comfort him; there wasn't much anyone could do for Ezekiel if it came to Elijah. They'd once told me that they were each other's other half, and I wholeheartedly believed them, which is why I knew this was going to ruin Ezekiel if his twin's injuries were extensive.

It would do the same to me, but I was trying to remain level headed.

Emphasis on trying.

That boy was like my son, any harm brought to him or the others that I couldn't solve or eliminate at the click of my fingers debilitated me; he had to be okay, for all of our sakes.

"He's gonna be okay Zeke, just breathe", I appreciated Aniyah's efforts more than anything, but the only thing that was due to get Ezekiel back to sane mind was seeing his twin brother alive and well. I think she knew that too, but she hadn't stopped trying to calm the nineteen year old down once.

"What the fuck could he have been doing?", Emiliano asked me in a more hushed tone, "this was a road accident right?". At least he and I were on the same page.

"Only one way to find out", I muttered, squeezing the wheel tighter with my right hand; I'd go insane if he wasn't okay.


Being in the hospital for the third time this year, only two weeks into February was enough to put me in a foul mood, pair that with the state of my nineteen year old brother and I could feel the rage settling in my stomach.

Elijah was sitting upright, awake, a guy sitting beside him who I paid no attention to whatsoever as I took in my brother's appearance.

Bruising under one of his eyes, a clearly broken nose that was covered in a dressing, a sling on one of his arms as well as one of his legs elevated.

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