Chapter 39

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" But your my Makenna."

She was hysterical after I said that. Just because she has a sexual preference doesn't mean our bond would change. What would I do without her?

" Makenna, just because you have a different preference than me doesn't mean I will hate you or things are going to change."

" Luna don't do that."

" What Makenna?"

" Don't say that, it isn't making anything better, pity is worse."

" What do you want me to say then?"

" I don't know but I know not that."

" Well then I just wont talk."

" The silence is deafening."

" What do you want me to do then?"

" Luna don't yell at her."

" Frankie stop your making everything worse."

I got up from the living room and went into mine and slammed the door and locked it. I was mad. I don't know why but I was.

I could hear her crying and I could hear Frankie trying to comfort her.

I had fallen asleep and Frankie came in my room at like 4 in the morning.

" That was not okay. Luna that's not how you should handle this situation. It was hard enough for her to say but the way you acted was not right."

" What do you want me to do Frankie?"

" Maybe handle it like when I told you guys. She is your only friend and one of the only people there for you and you treated her like crap. In my honest opinion she deserved better in that moment."

" Well sorry things don't end in a happy ending. Frankie I don't get to play in the freaking Junior Olympics and you put this on me."

" That was never my call so you can't bring that up."

" Fine whatever I'm done talking."


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