Chapter 16

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We were in the den watching Harry potter when I got a text. It was from my friend Lizzie of whom I hadn't seen or talked to in forever.

From: Lizzie✌


To: Lizzie ✌

Hey I will FaceTime you later, I'm doing something atm.

I turned my phone off and looked back at the screen. They were in the arena at the moment and I felt like something was off. Did I eat this morning? Yes. Did I do my chores? Partially. What didn't I do? It wasn't going to come to me any time soon so I looked back at the movie. I just felt weird and different. I had no idea what it was though.

I sat through the rest of the movie and decided I was going to go upstairs. I closed the door to my room and sat on my bed. Did I forget to turn in that one essay? No I got a grade for that. I honestly could not think of it. Wait what day was it? Just a normal day in October. Halloween. The one thing I forget. How? We took it seriously and I hadn't even planned out a costume yet. Umm what could I be?

Nerd? No that was so last year.

Someone famous? I am so no.

Candy? No too much effort.

Red coat? Yeah. That was easy and pll was going on anyways so. ( pretty little liars)

Yeah I would just get a red pea coat with a hood and some black boots and red lipstick and curl my hair. Yeah this would work.

I scramble through my closet to see what I have. The leggings, a black tank top, black boots, and red lipstick are there but I don't have the main thing. The red coat. I begin to search Polyvore for it hoping to find a good deal.

After searching for what seemed like forever, I finally found something and got it ordered so hopefully it would be here by Halloween. Now I had to FaceTime Lizzie. I pressed her contact number and waited for an answer.

" Heyyyy."

" Hi."

" What's up?"

" Not much."

" I can't wait for Halloween and the concert."

" Yeah it will be really fun. What are you being for Halloween?"

" I'm just going to cosplay totoro."

" Nice nice."

" What about you?"

" I'm going to be red coat."

" Oh that will be really cool and mysterious."

" Yeah, problem was I didn't have a red coat."

" That's like the most important thing."

" Yeah I know. I had to order one."

" So when are you coming back to school?"

" Hopefully soon."

" What happened."

" I had gotten sick and my mom asked me if I wanted to go to Florida with her and Ariana and when we went to the beach I felt worse and we ended going to the hospital and now I have hypoglycemia."

" Oh my gosh, wow, that sounds pretty eventful."

" Yeah."

" Scary."

" It was. Hey I have to go its almost time for lunch at my house and we said we were going somewhere I have to get ready."

" Ok bye."

" Bye."

I hung up and put on a grey skater skirt and a crop top. I slipped on some vans and took out my messy bun and put it into a fish tail. I walked down the stairs and everyone was ready. We got in the car and headed to toast which was one of our favorite places. When we got out of the car Frankie and I were messing around when I saw my dad. I knew something was up.

" Dad?"

AN: Yay cliffhangers. I will try and update soon if I can. School is school and soccer overruns my whole life so. Anyway thanks for like 300 reads that's super amazing and I'm super greatful. Bye loves!😘

- Kaylynn

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