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AN: This book has been good to me and I thank everyone all so much that has been there since the beginning. Thank you for supporting this and reading this. I've talked to some and it is very possible that I will be doing a sequel.  Anywho, thanks for this and I will maybe do those 5 chapters too, idk, only if you guys want it. Thanks and enjoy.

Ariana came home from all the family drama and after a little poking and prodding, meaning a crap ton of convincing, she finally let me play in the Junior Olympics and you have to be guessing me won, yeah no we lost.

Just kidding, we won.

We ended up playing Germany and it was a pretty tough game. We played in an arena in Great Britain which was pretty cool.

I did end up taking my bestfriend Lizzie to that last show of my sisters tour and just Lizzie's luck, it was overseas. She had a total blast and I got Ari to sign a bunch of things for her and they took some extra pictures because what kind of friend would I be if I didn't let her have a full on photo shoot with my sister.

Sean and Ariana got married some where in Dubai and the wedding was picturesque. My dress was lavender because we all know that that is Ariana's favorite color and I couldn't complain 1 because it was her wedding and my mo told me not to say anything and 2 the dress wasn't half bad to be totally honest. Everyone cried except me and then everyone thought I was some kind of weird robot with no emotions or that I was mad at Ariana. The first one sounds about right. Just kidding, I was tired and hangry.

Toby and Ariel's rooms had finally gotten decorated to more of Sean's liking. Ariana kind of just wanted it done and no they aren't here just yet. But they have a pretty good life coming to them.

Ariana released a new album and it had quite the numbers on it. It topped the charts for pop and it was one of the best of the decades.

Sean's career was going exceptionally well. He had been getting lots of revenue and lots of attention from the media. he had released some new songs that were leading up to a new album that would sure to be a show stopper.

Frankie had been doing well as a youtube personality and had starred in some broadway shows that had gotten good reviews. He has a boyfriend named Zack and I ship them so hardcore. They are my otp.

Makenna was still currently herself and was proud of it. We made up from that awkward runaway of mine and we were doing quite well. She has a new girlfriend that I will crush if she hurts her because no one hurts my Makenna. But other than that, she is doing better than everyone expected. She came out to her parents and in the end, they accepted her for who she is and thats all that matters.

Josh, well he's still Josh and thats all I can really say.

David actually went from soccer captain to professional. He may have been one of the only senior guys that talked to me, but he was pretty cool and I'm glad to say he is one of my still bestfriends. He plays for the USA team and hes finally good. Haha just kidding he's fabulous.

The boys have been doing pretty good with their Jahoo Jahaa tour and I have been to most of their shows in the US. I love them all like brothers even though I have one. I don't know if Luke and I have something but whatever. Jai and Ariana are pretty good friends since the boys are over lots to hang out with me. Beau is still like my absolute bestfriend and we talk all the time. James is still one of my favorite in daresundays videos and Skip. Well he's Skip.

As for me, there has been the soccer and some acting and broadway shows and I still live with Ariana with my own room surprisingly and that's about it. Okay, maybe I like Luke, just kidding I do but thats another story for another time.

But besides that, I'm just Ariana Grande's Little Sister

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