Chapter 15

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I groggily wake up from what seemed like an eternity. I fell like my face has plaster on it from all the dry tears. I get up and head to my bathroom to not look like a hot mess. I turn the non for the hot water and brush my hair out. I look like I got hit by a train. I walk back to where the shower is and strip off my clothes. I step into the shower and back into the heated water. I stand there for a while thinking. Ariana probably hates me. I seem like a brat. No one got sleep because of my crying. I basically threw a tantrum. I then hear a knock on the door.

" Luna you alright?" It was Ariana.

" Umm not really."

" You wanna talk about it?"

" I guess so."

" K I'll wait for you."

I finish up my shower and go to my closet and get ready. I threw on some black yoga pants and a tank top. I put my hair in a bun so it wouldn't be on my back getting my shirt wet. I sit down on my bed and hug her. It felt nice to be comforted by someone.

" You probably hate me, but I can understand why."

" I don't hate you, I just didn't think you would take it in that way."

" I didn't really know which other way to take it. To be honest it did fell good to let all that out."

" I see."

" It's just your making a new life and I feel like your going to leave me behind again. I need you for once to just stay here and not leave me. Like I understand that your going to have your own life and I will too, but for now won't you stay with me?"

" Luna I get that your upset and all that but you need to understand that I'm your sister not your mom and your almost 15 and I can't be here forever. At your age you should be sneaking out with boys leaving everyone in the dust."

" Ok well I'm not you and I have a career already. If I were to sneak out and the paps found out then I wouldn't be able to play for like a month and I can't afford that slip up."

" Are you saying I slipped up?"

" No not at all but you had a boyfriend when you were 15 and I will probably end up alone with like millions of dogs and pet soccer balls."

She giggled at my response.

" Well lets hope that doesn't happen or I will personally come over and pop all those soccer balls."

I put my hand over my heart and pretend to be hurt.

" Anyway you alright?"

" Yeah I'm good."

" You wanna help me come up with a name?"

" You sure because I'm not creative at all."

" Yeah sure whatever just throw things out there."

" Kk."

I sit thinking for a little bit. This is going to be a lot harder than I thought. I wrinkle my forehead a little bit.

" Like are we doing boy and girl names?"

" Yeah sure."

" Well for a girl I like Torian or Arlynn."

" Well you gave some pretty unique and different names there. What about a boy?"

" Umm... Toby. It has a sensitive side to it."

" I like it. Well you actually more help than I thought."

" Really because I thought I sucked."

" Nope not at all."

" You wanna go watch Harry Potter?"

" Yes."

AN: So I guess if you guys want to give me ideas for names that would help a lot. I just thought of random ones so. Comment your name below! Bye loves!😘

- Kaylynn

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