Chapter 17

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" Dad?"

" Luna."

" Umm hi what are you doing here?"

" Well I have to tell you some things."

" Alright hit me with your best shot."

" Well in since your mother has to be doing stuff your going to be living with me." My heart broke at the sound of that.

" Ariana said she would stay though."

" Luna sweetie she's an adult and engaged. She has other things to worry about than her little sister." Why was everyone constantly pissing me off.

" Oh so I'm nothing to her."

" No not at all but she has her own life that she needs to worry about. Everything doesn't need to include you."

" It doesn't and she said she would stay."

" Regardless what she said your living with me."

" No. I'm holding her against her word. I'm living with her."

" No your not. Stop being a brat Luna. Your almost 15. Your sister is 21 and has a life of her own to live. She doesn't have time to take care of you."

" Fuck you. You don't know what she has time for. Why try? I don't get through to any of you guys. You never care. You come home and sit in your office. I'm sick of being screwed off. I'm living with her no matter what." I scoot my chair out from the table and start to run.

I don't know where I'm going and it's been about an hour of running. I'm lost and have no idea where to go from here. At least it's only 2 so I have time but where do I go? I pull out my phone and put on the navigation. I start to follow it home. I'm walking and walking and yet it feels like I have gotten no where. I don't want to acknowledge what happened. My dad probably wasn't happy with which I could care less about but I just don't care. I may be almost 15 but does that really matter at the moment? Why can't I live with Ariana? So what if she's gone most of the time? I can take care of myself. I didn't eat lunch and I'm dying of hunger at the moment. Like this hypoglycemia just needs to learn to fuck off. I have nothing to eat and I have finally made it to my neighborhood. It took another hour but I'm almost home.

I open the door and slam it hard running up the stairs into my room and slamming that door really hard as well. I lock it so no one can come in. I go into my bathroom and see Frankie standing there I scream.

" Shit Frankie. What are you doing in here."

" I needed some eyeliner for something and I knew you had some so I came in here."

" Thanks for asking."

" Yeah no problem. Why are you mad?"

" Dad is making me live with him."

" Oh."

I go to my bed and lay on it. Why can't I just live with the people I want to live with. I have a choice anyway. Whatever. I just have to deal with life. I hear a knock on the door and open it.

" What Ariana?"

" Shh. Let me in."

I open the door for her to come in and close it and lock it again.

" What?"

" Dad is pissed you left the lunch. He doesn't know your back yet so we are sneaking out."

" Where are we going?"

" Sean's."

" K let me grab some stuff."

I go into my closet and throw some stuff in a draw string bag. I hear the front door slam and I hear a voice,

" Is she back Ariana?"

" Not yet. I'm about to go look for her."

" Ok."

I hear her come back upstairs.

" Ok we have to leave now."

I nod and grab my bag. I slip out the front door and run to Ariana's Range Rover. I sit in the passengers seat and she joins me.

" If dad asks I haven't seen you and you went to Frankie's apartment."

" Ok. Does he know?"

" Yup it was his plan."

We drive to Sean's house leaving this hell hole behind.

AN: There you go. I didn't really know what to do but it needed to happen for the next chapter to be right. Umm lets see here... I still need names for Ariana's baby. So comment what you have in mind. Bye loves!😘

- Kaylynn

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