Chapter 13

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She came into my room and sat on my bed. I looked up from my computer for a momet and then went back to homework. I was annoyed of the fact that she didn't want to live with me even though I had forgiven her.

" Can I talk to you?"

" You just did."

" Stop being smart."

" Not possible." She rolled her eyes at me and continued anyway.

" I'm sorry."

" For what?"

" For overreacting about the whole living situation."

" It's fine, at least I will be living with Frankie even though I just forgave you."

" Slight change in that."

" What?"

" I decided I would stay and suck it up."

" Thanks I guess."

" You guess?"

" What do you want me to say Ariana? Am I supposed to thank someone every time they decide to suck it up and deal with the issue?"

" I thought you forgave me."

" I did. I'm not the one holding the grudge anymore. You are." That seemed to hit her like a slap in the face. She hated being wrong.

" Really?"

" Yeah."

" Your being so fucking ridiculous right now. Grow up Luna."

" I'm not being a child. And just fuck off you don't know anything about ridiculous. You haven't had to deal with it."

" Honestly I thought we were over this."

" No I'm over it. Your obviously not." I walked out of the room slamming the door behind me.

I went downstairs and into the basement. I had made a little kind of haven. I could hear someone walking after me.

" Luna, why are you and Ariana fighting?"

" Because she came in and told that she sucked it up and decided to stay and I was like thanks and she was like that all I get and I was like how else do you want me to respond and she said I was still holding a grudge then I told her she was the one holding it and then she called ridiculous and a child and I told her she doesn't know what ridiculous is to mind her own business."

" Well I'm going to go see what the other side of the story is."

She walked back up the stairs and left me to my haven. I could hear them yelling at each other. It was deafening and I felt like it was never going to end like when mom and dad got divorced. I remembering having to go to school the next day and act like everything was fine. I melted down when I got a paper back that said I had gotten 99 percent and the teacher let me fix it to make it 100. I had hated not being perfect. I heard the door open again.

" Luna can you come up here."

I got up and trudged up the stairs slowly. Everyone was in the kitchen so I joined them.

" I think there is a little more news your sister would like to tell you."

I looked at her batting my eyelashes to make it seem like I had been crying. My face was already red so it pretty much worked.

" Were you crying?"

" No."

" You were. I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry."

" It's ok." It really was. I walked over to where Ariana was sitting and layed on her lap letting her stroke my hair.

" I just have to tell you one little detail."

" What is it?"

" I'm-

AN: You all probably hate me at the moment but anyway. Comment your guesses and maybe I will update tonight. Most likely meaning I will but just guess anyways. Love you guys!😘

- Kaylynn

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