Chapter 34

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Ariana's POV

I was watching the game when at half time Luna completely fell to the ground. Why is she even allowed to play this sport? She has gotten hurt countless times and everyone else has to deal with it. I started going over to the side line where she was. Crap, paramedics. This never ends well. Usually the coach checks them out but if it gets to the point of paramedics then you know something went down. I quicken my pace and stand next to her. She's laying on the ground with her hands on her face.

" Luna what happened?"

" I got kicked in the ribs and now I can't play." She made a pout face.

" Is she ok?" I look over to her coach.

" She should be alright, just some bruises but I don't want her playing. If she gets one more hit something could crack or break and we don't want that." I nodded my head.

Before the half started they took her to the locker room and made me wait out here.

Luna's POV

I went into the locker room before the next half started. Saige our other goalie gets to play. Bet she has some satisfaction from it too.

We did some simple routine things. They made me sit in an ice bath get up and wrap it and put on some sweats. I put on some endorsed Nike terfs and went back out to the bench to watch the rest of the game.

Winning it wasn't so sweet though, I should have been out there. Instead I sit on the side. I congradualted my team while they ask me if I'm alright. We shake the other team's hands and we move on. We do a victory lap around the field and have our moment of glory. All for it to be over. I look over and Ariana is giving me her signature look. Probably thinking the same thing. That I shouldn't play. But whatever.

I grab my stuff and meet up with Ari.

" Hey."

" Junior Olympics now."

" Yup."

" Congrats, one more long thing to sit at."

" Thanks, because I love sitting at the studio with you."

" Ugh you're so annoying."

" Yup I try, what are we doing tonight."

" My dancers are coming over and so is Lex."

" Alexa is coming over?"

" Yup, so is Sashca."

" Omg yassss, this is going to be amazing."

" Funny how you would rather hang out with my friends instead of yours."

" Would you like me to invite my own friends?"

" For once yes. You guys can hang out with us but you need people you're age."

" I'm inviting makenna then."

" You're lucky mom isn't here."

" That's why I'm inviting her."

In the matter of time I had, I invited makenna over and sat on the couch deciding not to change because who really cares. The doorbell rang and they were finally all here.

I opened the door and stood there knowing they would just come in and Makenna and I went to my room.

" What's up mack."

" You're ceiling is up and nothing much really."

" Wow my ceiling. And punching josh is not really nothing."

" Well he pissed me off."

" Yeah yeah I know."

This night would be amazing to recover from the very long day.

AN: Hey so thanks for like 2.83k reads!!!! That's crazy amazing. And I have an option for you guys. If you possibly want suggest something for the story that would be awesome because idk what do at the moment. Thanks again! Bye Loves!

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