Chapter 4

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" Why is there really gauze on your wrist?" I froze up a little but didn't let it show. I knew my talking would.

" I...umm..." I covered it up with looking at my phone to make it seem like I was reading something at the same time. It's a good thing I had taken off the bloody gauze.

" I hurt it in soccer when I was playing goalie. I must have twisted it or something." She nods and we continue to dad's.

I get out of her car and kind of falter a bit and Ariana sees it.

" Are you alright?"

" Yeah I'm fine. I just tripped."

I walked up to the front door and open it and put my keys back on the tray. I turned back around and she was almost behind me. there was little space so I backed up.

" Umm... thanks I guess. I will see you next week."

" Yeah. I guess I will see you later then. Bye."

" Bye."

I close the door as she walks down the steps and crawl upstairs to my room. I felt dizzy but I didn't want to say anything. I layed on my bed watching tv and texting my friends until my dad came home. I instantly shot up and closed my door and locked it with a few swift movements.

" Luna you here?"

" Yeah."

I never liked it when he got home because whenever I was here when I got home he always went back to working. If I was too loud he would yell at me and give me lectures about how to respect his space. I turned my tv down and layed back on my bed. My phone started to ring.

" Hey mom."

" Hi sweetie, are you alright? Ariana said you seemed dizzy when she dropped you off."

" No I'm fine I just tripped a little getting out of her car."

" Ok and she said you also had some gauze around your wrist?"

" Yeah I twisted it in soccer when I was goalie." I cringed a little at the fact of knowing I just lied to my mom.

" Ok so I was wondering when you come back from dad's if you wanted to go with Ariana and I to Florida?"

" Umm sure yeah. For what?"

" Just to go visit family."

" Alright."

" Well I will talk to you later. Bye."

" Bye get better for me."

I hung up not wanting to be on the phone for longer. I felt like I was being too loud so I just wanted to make sure I wasn't. I could hear my dad talking on the phone. His office was the room next to mine so I went to the back of my closet and listened. He seemed to be talking about business so I walked back out. I didn't really have anything to do at the moment so I texted my friend and asked her to bring me my stuff for homework.

The doorbell rang and I cringed. My dad. I ran downstairs to get to the door and grabbed my stuff from my friend Gi thanking her and closing the door. My dad came out of his office and stood on the stairs.

" Who was that?"

" It was Gi she was bringing me my homework."

" Alright."

He didn't seem mad which was good. I went back up to my room and started doing my homework. I grabbed some head phones and plugged them into my phone and chose to listen to my old Ariana Grande playlist for focus. I was able to tune the music out and focus better if I knew my sister was the noise in the background.

After finishing my homework it was about 10:30 and I still hadn't finished all of it. I decided I would finish it in the morning. I went over to my bathroom and got ready for bed. I was slow because I still didn't feel good. I finally finished up and got under the covers of my bed and layed down. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep. I couldn't. There was too much happening. At about 3 in the morning the tiredness finally hit me and I went to sleep peacefully.

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