Chapter 5

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I woke up around 11:30 and my dad had already left. I checked my phone and there were a few new text. One from my dad telling me he had left and the other one from my mom telling me she would be here at 12. Crap. I ran into my closet looking through it. I ended up wearing some leggings and a red ruffled crop top. I put on some black flip flops and grabbed my Vera Bradley duffel bag. I packed enough clothes for who knows how long and a bunch of swim suits for the beach. It had been my favorite when I was younger. The beach was where I would meet cute guys and beat them easily in sports. The doorbell rang and I got up an hit my head on my desk. Then on my way out my bedroom door I hit my shoulder. I finally made it to the door after stunning my toe and tripping down the stairs. I opened the door and I was sure I looked like a mess.

" Hi mom."

" Hi you ready to go?"

" Yeah one sec."

I ran upstairs to grab my bag and my phone. Our flight didn't leave until 3, but being us, we just had to be there early. I didn't understand why we couldn't take the private jet. There would be less of a chance of getting recognized. I grabbed some heart shaped sunglasses and walked out the door with my duffle bag. I locked the door and slipped my keys into my bag. We went to the car and I put my stuff in the trunk. Ariana was sitting on her phone in the passengers seat. I smirked a little.

" Hi."

She didn't respond. I shook my head a little and then put in head phones. It was a pretty quiet ride and there were only a few short conversations between Ariana and my mom. I kind of felt awkward so I decided to speak up.

" So mom there's this cute guy at school I like and he asked me out next weekend and I was wondering if I could go?"

" A cute guy? My little sister has a crush on a guy? Wow I thought you still didn't like boys." I wondered why Ariana was suddenly listening.

" Umm I still don't like makeup if that's what you mean, but if you would of stick round for just a bit, then you would know I like guys." She looked back down at her phone.

" Well anyway who is he?" My mom looked back at me seriously for a second.

" A person."

" Really? No!"

" He's umm that guys."

" Oh he's that one guy with the hair that's sweeped to the side.

" Yeah."

" Oh he's cute and soo nice."

" So can I go?"

" Yes but homework has to be done and you have to make sure your soccer doesn't interfere with it because I do not put almost 5,000 a year for you to miss it."

" Ok I think I should be fine."

The silent car ride continued and we got to the airport. Ariana had put on sunglasses and a hoodie. I pulled down my shades and got out of the car and grabbed my bag. I started walking ahead of my mom and my sister and went inside. I kept my shades on which kind of drew attention. I waited for them to catch up to me. We dealed with the process of security and id's and that stuff. We finally got to the gate and on the plane.

About 3 hours later we were finally in Flordia and I couldn't wait to see my grandparents. I hadn't seen them in forever so this would be fun. I would most likely go to the beach. We finally got to their house and I rang the door bell.

" My little paschino and bellissima." I was pachino and Ariana was bellissima.

This was going to be long but fun adventure..

Ariana Grande's Sisterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें