ೋღ 🥀 ღೋ Chapter 22 ღ 🥀 ღೋ

Start from the beginning

As the days passed without any word from Joon, Your once lively demeanour shifted.

You became quiet and restless, your thoughts consumed by him. "I miss him," you confessed, the weight of not hearing from Joon settling heavily in your heart.

Sitting alone in your room, trying to sketch fairy tale characters, you couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that gnawed at you. "Maybe... maybe we're not meant to be," you whispered to the silence, contemplating the possibility that his mother's disapproval was valid and you weren't the right fit for him.

Depression, like a dark cloud, threatened to envelop you once again. Despite your efforts to push it away, you sank deeper into despair with each passing day. "Why can't I stop feeling like this?" You questioned, feeling overwhelmed by the waves of doubt and sadness crashing over you.

With trembling hands, you reached for your pills next to your dresser, hoping they would offer some relief from the turmoil raging inside you.
You had battled anxiety and depression for as long as you could remember, and in moments like this, their numbing embrace provided a fleeting sense of solace.

Meanwhile, with growing concern, Chiji and your grandmother observed your downward spiral at Kwon Petals. They could see the toll that Joon's absence was taking on you and feared the worst. "We need to talk about Frosty," Chiji said quietly, her voice filled with worry, as they retreated to the privacy of grandmother's office.

Frosty's grandmother couldn't help but feel deeply troubled by her granddaughter's infatuation with Kim Namjoon. "I'm afraid she's heading for heartache," she admitted, her voice heavy with concern.

She knew Frosty was experiencing her first taste of true love, but she worried it was consuming her entirely.

"She's so different from the others," Chiji added, echoing her grandmother's sentiments. "She wears her heart on her sleeve and never loved anyone like this."

One afternoon, Frosty quietly entered her grandmother's office, her shoulders slumped with exhaustion. "Grandma, can I go home early today?" she asked softly, barely above a whisper.

Despite her attempt to mask her inner turmoil, her grandmother could see the pain etched on her face. "Of course, my dear," she replied, her heart aching for her granddaughter. "Take all the time you need...We still have that Malva desert in the fridge. Have some and just relax, okay?"


At home

You sank into your luxurious bathtub's warm, comforting embrace, letting out a contented sigh as the soothing water enveloped you

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You sank into your luxurious bathtub's warm, comforting embrace, letting out a contented sigh as the soothing water enveloped you. You had a very relaxed Day, watching your favourite Italian Mob movies, ordering a colossal pepperoni and anchovies pizza, dessert, and a bottle of peach-flavoured soju (you throw away the bottle so your grandmother will not find out you drank a fermented cider without her and  Joons' knowledge.

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