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"Did you know, Harry," Luna lay stretched upon the overstuffed green couch in the midst of her library, carefully digesting the diagrams within a volume on sensual touch she'd already read three times. "that you share a name with a boy I have a crush on?"

The black tabby that had been visiting her for the last four days suddenly stirred, shifting with a stretch from his position at her side. His emerald green eyes bore a curious expression.

"It's true. I think you'd like him, Harry. He's perfect. He's strong and kind, and he's got perfect hair and a charming smile. I think I might speak to him this year."

The black tabby began to nuzzle her chin, pawing her chest and purring aggressively.

"Oh, thank you, kind sir." She returned his affections, drawing his nose to hers and scratching his ears. "Do you know, I had never really thought of him that way. We don't really know each other, you see, and he's in a different house." She paused, closed her eyes, smiling warmly. "A few weeks ago something changed. It was the most bizarre experience, Harry."

The black cat with the curious marking curled playfully beneath her breasts, still watching her intently.

"You see, I woke in the early hours of the morning. It was like a touch — almost what I imagine a kiss might feel like, but the shadow of a kiss... as if through a veil. Or perhaps it was like attention — pleasant, radiating attention, as if you could physically feel the searching eyes of a lover. And this shadow of a kiss, this distant attention, it —" she breathed full, bit her lip, reliving the experience, "it traced the lines of my jaw, the path of my clavicle, the swell of my chest. Harry, it was incredible. And then..."

At this she blushed, her eyes lit with secret visions. "And then this attention, this shadow of a kiss, traced the shape of my thighs; it drew nearer and nearer. And then it taught me a pleasure I'd never really known." She laughed, bit her lip again, lost in the memory of it.

"I can't tell anyone, of course, Harry. But I can tell you, because you won't tell anyone. And because you're an excellent listener."

She sat up, crossing her legs, lifting the tabby cat to her lap and renewing her playful attention. He leaned into her scratches, curling tighter between her thighs.

As they sat in silence, Luna revisited the memory of the sensations again and again as she traced the cat's spine and shoulders with her fingertips. He purred contentedly, eyes fixed upon her.


The tension he'd felt, the radiating pleasure pulsing from his center, had become an overpowering rhythm, a beating drum consuming his thoughts. And every second he spent with Luna was compounding this tension.

"Something off, Harry?" Tonks broke the enchantment, and he stirred to awareness.

"Er, I'm sorry?"

"You okay, mate? Something seems off today."

"Oh. Right, sorry. It's, I mean, I'm good. I'm okay." He forced a smile.

Lupin cast a heavy glance his way, shifting his gaze to Tonks meaningfully.

Tonks' brow furrowed. "Now listen, Harry. We're going to war together, yeah?"

Harry nodded.

"Thing is, Harry, we've got to trust each other."

Harry nodded.

"And the thing is, Harry, I have a talent for seeing through deception."

Harry nodded.

"And the thing is, Harry, you're a terrible liar."

Harry took a deep breath. And nodded.

"So what's going on, Harry?" Tonks' expression adopted a playful lightness, and Harry gave a half-hearted smile in exchange.

Yours, Luna Lovegoodजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें