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"Holy shit, guys."

Tonks stared blankly at Harry, then Lupin, then back at Harry. Her hair had shifted hue at least three times in the last four minutes. "I'm going to need a stiffer drink."

After a series of introductions - quite an odd experience for Harry, actually, as he'd begun to grow quite comfortable with Tonks over the summer - Lupin and Harry worked together to catch Tonks up on the essential events that would unfold over the next year.

It took nearly two hours, and she'd graduated from butter beer, to a Belgian Trippel, to a stiff shot of Scotch.

"So he's back? Fuck me." Suddenly her eyes shot wide and she stumbled over herself. "Harry! Merlin, I'm sorry, my language-"

Harry laughed. "I'm not exactly a child anymore, Tonks. And remember, I've known you for a while now."

Lupin stole in. "We need help, Tonks. We need allies. And I'm not sure we can rely on the Order, at least not yet."

Tonks's brow furrowed, her lashes transforming to a shade not far from neon green. "Hang on. Why? Not protesting, mind you, just seems like an important decision."

"Harry reports that the Order had no knowledge of Voldemort's actions, the rigged Tourney, Moody's capture and impersonation. Until Luna's episode of Sight, they weren't aware of the attack or trial."

Tonk's features were awash with confusion. "I don't follow."

Harry stepped in as another ale materialized before Remus. "I'm here, and I could just as easily have called upon Dumbledore, or Arthur Weasley, or Sirius for that matter. They didn't know, which means that I never told them. Either I made that decision arbitrarily, or there's a reason to distrust the Order, at least for now. In either case, the letter prompted me to find Remus. And I'd like to be careful here. The Order is, I dunno, there's just too many variables I can't account for."

Tonks nodded. "Got it. So we need allies, and we need to stay away from the traditional relationships for now."

Remus nodded. "Indeed. No we've decided on a course of action that might give us an edge against Voldemort and his cronies. We know the identities of at least six active death eaters. We're going to do what we can to unseat them in the wizarding community, undermine their resources and positions. We're well funded, but we haven't the supplies for war. And we need to understand some of the darkest elements of Voldemort's plans. Subterfuge, supplies, allies, and research."

Tonks, despite the sheer volume of drink in her, seemed to pace perfectly, her countenance concrete, determined.

"What are our limitations?"

"That I can think of?" Remus offered. "Harry cannot be seen, limiting his mobility. Taking the order off the table limits our allies; they'll be young, mostly. And the expenditure of funds will certainly be noticed."

Harry's eyes lit, and he leaned forward with raised brows. "Oh! I should have mentioned. I've brought six hundred and twenty some thousand pounds, and around 50,000 galleons, in cash. We can also access the Potter vaults, but some of our more nefarious expenditures won't be traceable, right, with that much cash on hand?"

Tonks nearly choked on her drink. A moment later she laughed. "A bit of spending money, eh? Okay, well that simplifies things. What we can secure on the muggle market will be invisible to Voldemort's allies altogether." She smirked mischievously. "I also have a fence or two that will launder some of those pounds into galleons with enough incentive."

Lupin leaned back, nodding contemplatively. "Okay. That's good. I'm feeling optimistic for the first time in a few hours." He paused. "Of course we wouldn't want to compromise your job at the Ministry, Tonks, but we'll need as much of your time as you're willing to give."

Tonks waved him away. "I'm bored, lonely, and facing a war of apocalyptic proportions. You'll be seeing more of me than you may wish, Remus." She winked, and he blushed.

Harry laughed. "I hadn't yet mentioned, but I was hoping Ravenswood Hall might become something of a base of operations? My movement is obviously limited, as Remus mentioned, but it's also, you know, huge. If it would be at all convenient, I can ask Kitty to prepare one of the many guest rooms. You're both welcome to stay."

Tonks' eyes darted to Lupin's, and she winked with another mischievous smirk. "I'm game. Professor?"

Lupin rolled his eyes, squirming a bit. "I suppose if it isn't an imposition. It's been too many years since I've walked these halls, and I wouldn't mind revisiting the memories. It's a bit of a step up from my present accommodations, as well."

Harry spent another hour sharing drinks and stories, answering questions and sharing a restful silence. He began to hope, just then, that something amazing was coming together.


Luna hadn't stopped reading, basically since she woke the morning after that mysterious attention and the accompanying delights. She'd visited every obscure book store, collecting (to the horror of more than a few distinguished sellers) every book on sex and sex magic she could get her hands on.

She was fascinated, she'd quickly discovered, with the anatomy of sex, the rhythms and stirrings and shifts and swells. She was searching for answers, yet found herself altogether captured by the magic of it, the very soul of sex.

The most helpful volumes were magical theory texts on the sexual soul. The intimate behavior of a witch and wizard altogether consumed with affection was a magical phenomenon at its very foundations. Something extraordinary unfolds, when the souls of two stitch themselves together. They are, indeed, no longer two, but one; they are more powerful - more whole - because of the act. And that act extends beyond them, even knitting their magic together in rare cases. Magical theorist supposed that the most difficult casts, the most powerful circles, the most complex potions - all of which are impossible to even clever and powerful wizards - are within the reach of two so joined in the intimate oneness of rich, affectionate, sex within a magical covenant.

So she read and read, and couldn't help feeling herself drawn to the notion, her imagination captured and returning, again and again, to that night, to that unprovoked reflection on the charming smile and messy hair of her (now firmly establish) crush, Harry Potter.

She didn't have any answers just yet, but she certainly didn't mind the research.

"Luna, my dear?"

The door opened as Luna blushed wildly, snapping closed the volume on male anatomy that she'd been dwelling intensely on for at least a half hour.

"Um. Hi!" She stumbled. "I mean, Yes? Is everything okay, daddy?"

Xenophilius smiled warmly, a glint in his eye bearing insightful meaning. "Of course, dear. Dinner's ready. And I wanted to speak with your about a letter I've received. There's an investor interested in The Quibbler."

Yours, Luna LovegoodWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt