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He was just beginning to breathe normally, and his eyelids seemed heavier than before. Luna was watching Harry with hungry eyes.


"Yes, love?"

She licked her lip with the tip of her tongue. "Can I do it again?"

He laughed — a lazy laugh, and when he spoke his words seemed to trip on his tongue. "I'm not sure that's how it works, Luna Lovegood."

At this, he looked up, and something within him awoke. "God, Luna, you're magnificent."

Her eyes didn't stray from him. "Thank you, darling. I love you, Harry Potter. I want you, and I love you."

He leaned forward, and kissed her with lingering attention. A moment later, he leaned back, stumbling over his words. "I, er, I've just realized I maybe ought to, uh, clean up a bit."

Luna rolled her eyes playfully. "Silly boy." She flicked her wand lightly with a single precise movement, and whispered, "hanc confusionem ordina."

In a moment, Harry's discomfort dissipated. "Luna, you're perfect."

She was biting her lip, her shirt open, her shoulders bare. Her chest, full and firm, barely constrained by thin, white lace.

Harry's lips parted. "You're amazing. You're absolutely stunning." He paused. "I'm, uh, not sure that I'll be, at least immediately, er, able to..."

She smirked, her left eyebrow cocking as she slowly, teasingly allowed the sleeves of her shirt to fall beyond her wrist. A moment later, she was seated on his lap nearly topless.

She leaned forward, and as she whispered in her ear, the lace covering her breasts lay gently on his chest. "Kiss me, Harry Potter. Kiss me slowly."

He did. As his tongue found her lips, as he bit and teased, as he traced her jaw, the perfect contours of her clavicle, the lobe of her ear with his lips, her movements adopted an intimate rhythm. Her thighs tightened around his waist, and she drew near to him, the distance between her center and his closing with every subtle shift.

As she drew near, Harry's attention became fixed upon the soft contours of her neck, and he slowed his attention, dragging his lips and darting his tongue upon every intoxicating square inch. She moaned softly, her breathing halting and building in overwhelmed intervals. In time, her hands shot to his face, her fingers ran through his hair, and she pressed him nearer. He gently bit, and she groaned in unhinged pleasure.

Harry felt her breath in rushed, feverish intervals, on his left ear as she surged into him, her center meeting his altogether. "More, my love." She whispered, and he gave her everything she asked for, returning to her jaw, following the lines of her clavicle until her soft gasps carried a note of trembling.

Suddenly, slowly eclipsing his awareness, Harry began to feel distant surges of pleasure, in waves, emanating from his neck and shoulders. For a moment he paused, and the pulsating notes of pleasure softly faded into the horizon of his consciousness. As he resumed his attention, capturing Luna's left earlobe in his lips, an overwhelming wash of pleasure captured his attention. As he traced the contours of her jaw with his cheek, he felt waves of sensation corresponding to his movements. Overcome with curiosity, Harry shifted his weight unexpectedly, carefully biting Luna's right shoulder and slowly darting his tongue upon her bare skin. The distant cries of pleasure now overtaking his awareness seemed to shift to his right side.


"Yes, baby?"

"I..." He hesitated.

"Tell me, darling." She managed, through heavy breaths.

"I think I can feel your pleasure, Luna." He whispered, half doubting the suspicions. She hadn't stopped moving, although the intimate movement that carried her center into his had slowed. "Mmm..." She voiced, and the fingertips of her right hand, which had until that moment gently tugged against tufts of his hair near the crook of his neck, slowly fell, lazily tracing the contours of his neck and chest until it rested on his waist, lightly tugging on the button of his denim.

She paused here, just for a moment, until her eyes opened and found his, and with parted lips she traced the fly of his denim, followed the inseam of his denim until she found his swelling length.

She closed her eyes, lifted her chin and drew a long breath. As she slowly exhaled, her arm now extended between their waists, she traced the sharp contours of his denim yet again, following his shape. She lay her palm flat, pressed against him, pulled away, traced his head with gentle pressure, pressed again. As her pressure built, she seemed to lose control of her movements.

"Uh-huh." She said this with halted, trembling breath. "I feel it, Harry. I feel it, too."And for a moment they merely breathed, chests swelling, overcome by pleasure and the magic of Nexus.

A moment later, she lifted her eyes to meet his, kissed him gently, and shifted away from him until she settled upon his knees once again.

She leaned forward, and with vulnerable eyes tentatively tugged the left strap of her bra so that it fell loose against her arm.

"Kiss me, love. Kiss my shoulder." She paused, bit her lip. "Kiss my chest?"

He met her there without a moment's hesitation, and as his attention dwelt on her perfect shape, following the swell of her breasts dangerously near the thin white lace that barely constrained her, he was fighting groans of building intensity.

As he pressed his lips into her shoulders, gently bit her clavicle, traced the swell of her breast with the soft drag of his lips, she pressed her palm firmly into his length, her fingers loosely dragging along his cock as pressure built with perfect, careful momentum.

He felt her perfect attention, her precise applications of pressure and the gentle trace of her fingertips.

She felt his perfect attention, the careful drag of his lips, the surging flit of his tongue, his gentle bites along the swell of her chest.

He felt waves of ever nearing pleasure, emanating from his chest, his shoulders, still echoing from his jaw and neck.

She felt waves of nearing pleasure, emanating from her center, perfect applications of pressure driving her nearer and nearer to ecstacy.

"Luna." He could barely breathe. "Harry..." She moaned. "Luna, I'm..." He couldn't speak any longer. "Harry." Bated breath. "Yes, Harry." She craned her neck, with a sharp intake of breath, and fought desperately to control the movements of her hand despite brilliant surges of pleasure. "Oh my God." Everything within him tensed. "Luna." And released. "Oh, Luna. Please, yes, please." At this he lost all control, and spilled into her palm. "Oh, Harry." She cried out. "Oh, Harry. God, yes." She was nearly shouting. "Yes, Harry." She drove her center full into him, now, grinding against his firm torso in torrents of uncontrolled movement, surging and groaning with depth Harry could hardly have imagined, and he felt every dimension.

Yours, Luna LovegoodWhere stories live. Discover now