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She was leaning over him, her legs folded beneath her, her thighs wrapped around his waist. She was biting her lip, tracing his shape with her eyes, lacing her fingers through his. For a moment she merely sat there, in all of her naked glory, watching him.

He was stunned by her beauty, struck speechless by her perfect curves, the swell of her breasts, the dusky rose hue of her nipples. It felt nearly an offense against nature that a creature so shockingly beautiful be allowed to exist, dimming the sheen of all creation by her radiance.

She was fit, of course. He'd expected this; aurors were expected to remain in top physical condition. What stuck him, though, was how unapologetically feminine was her strength. Her firm abdomen, the hints of angles and structure to her torso as she shifted, the definition of her arms, only complemented her natural beauty. He was indeed puzzled when he considered her plump, full breasts in light of the notable lack of cushion elsewhere. He considered her every shape and texture as he watched her, as she watched him.

"Can I tell you something, Remus? Something perhaps a bit forward?"

He smiled warmly. Everything about her made him happy. "Of course, love."

She flushed a bit, leaned closer. He could feel her nipples against his chest as she whispered. "I can feel you against me. Your dick, Remus. I love the sensation."

His warm smile relaxed into an expression of unchecked arousal. "Hearing those words from your lips, Tonks... it does something to me."

She leaned closer, her lips mere inches from his ear. "I'll tell you everything, darling. I'll whisper my secrets into your ear, whenever you wish."

His heart raced, and he nodded. "I'd had no idea, Tonks. I'd never known such pleasure."

She wrapped her lips around his earlobe for a moment, sucking gently. Seconds later, she whispered again. "I like to feel your dick, Remus, hard against me."

At this she kissed him, following his jaw to his lips, his chin, his neck. He was breathing full as she bit him, dragged her flat tongue against him, flicked and traced and played along his neck and shoulder. He was taken by the tide of her pursuit, lost in the pull of her attention. Her lips strayed further, and he felt her tongue on his chest, her lips dragging, her teeth scraping and nipping, here and there. Every touch sent waves of pleasure radiating through his body.

Time slowed as her lips wrapped around his nipple. He was overcome by the sensation, drowned in the tidal wave of her attention. She knew it immediately, the sweet shivers that ran through him just then, and it fueled her interest. She dragged her tongue slowly, flat against his nipple, and felt the texture of his arousal. She smiled, her teeth just nipping him, and he groaned audibly in ecstasy. She gently sucked, flitting her tongue playfully against him, feeling his nipple harden further beneath her attention. In time she shifted, dragging her thumb where her tongue had just been. She kissed him gently on his abdomen, her tongue lightly tracing the shape of his definition, always flitting thumb and finger as she slowly explored the shape of him.

He lay with eyes shut, fighting back gasps, heart racing. Every movement, every diligent display of affection sent shivers through his spine and he couldn't recall wanting someone so fundamentally.

Suddenly she paused, all movement and every attention ceasing altogether. He opened his eyes, lifted his head, certain that he'd done something wrong.

She'd shifted her body considerably. Her chest now hovered over his waist. His cock, rigid and full, stood erect, the length hovering just over his abdomen beneath the thin cotton of his boxers. She was looking directly into his eyes, and suddenly he realized. Her breasts were inches from his length.

She bit her lip, leaned closer to his waist, and shifted her hands to press her breasts together, situating his cock directly between her perfect tits.

"Baby?" She was watching him with parted lips.

He could hardly breathe. "Anything, love."

"I want to feel you against me. May I?"

At this, she sat back, her fingertips finding the waistband of his boxers, and she tugged. A moment later, he lay naked before her, his length inches from her center, a mere layer of cotton between them. For a moment she merely watched, her gaze unflinchingly exploring his shape and contours. Suddenly she stirred, her open palm running up his thighs until her fingers just touched his base. She lifted her gaze, watching him with intimate attention, as she wrapped her hands around him, her fingers lightly grasping his dick.

"You're so big, Remus. You're perfect."

As she spoke, her thumb grazed his head, a bead of wet folding beneath her touch, lubricating her movements. She dragged her thumb lighly, in purposeful circles, around his head, all the time watching him intently. His breath hitched, and he stirred, his body shifting in uncontrollable surges. A moment later she leaned forward, carefully placing the softest kiss on his head.

She treasured the feel of him. He was so hard, yet his skin felt as soft as velvet. She ran her hand up his length, down again, discovering. Every hint of attention prompted his response, and she reveled in her control.

She leaned toward him again, her lips inches from his chest, and pressed her breasts together once more, enveloping his length in her tits. She shifted, just enough, and he surged into her. She bit her lip, nodding with a distant intensity, and she shifted back again. He pressed into her, and she pulled away, and she pressed into him, and he pulled away, and in time they were captured by an intimate rhythm. His head, enflamed with arousal, emerged from between her breasts again and again, and she was taken altogether by the shape of him.

"Baby?" She spoke against the pull of hitched breath and overwhelming arousal.

"Yes, love?" He hardly managed the response, overcome by her perfect attention.

"I want you to come on me, baby. I want to feel you come on me."

It was nearly an incantation, a spell cast against him, in its efficacy. The very words drew him to climax, and he let go, spilling onto her, surrendering himself to guttural moans.

"Tonks. Oh, my perfect darling." He was whispering in hitched, interrupted surges. "Tonks, thank you. You're perfect. Oh, Tonks, thank you."

She'd not stopped moving, and as he stilled she slowed. A moment later, she was biting her lip and watching him recover.

"That wasn't nearly enough, Remus. I need more of you."

He laughed, pulling her nearer. "Darling, I am yours, altogether."

They kissed just then, despite the still heavy breathing or the mess between them. They kissed full, their tongues flirting playfully through unrestrained smiles, interrupted here and there with playful nips.


She smiled warmly, settling further into him. "Yes, my dear?"

He grimaced. "I'm afraid it's nearly dusk."

She furrowed her brow in disbelief, glanced out the window, swore repeatedly, shot up, whispered a cleansing incantation, and they both threw on their clothes in frenzied desperation.

Not thirty seconds later, the door opened. Harry turned the corner to find Tonks and Lupin standing awkwardly in the northeast corner of the library.

"What happened to the wingback?" He asked, after a moment's hesitation.

Yours, Luna LovegoodWhere stories live. Discover now