Up In Smoke

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Hiccup has got to make a mattress like the palace one. He doesn't care how many sheep he needs to shave to do it he will make a mattress that feels like clouds with his own bare hands.

It was actually pretty nice sleeping in the palace and the other guys too. Hiccup got to see a glimpse of how much they truly cared about his brother. After saying goodnight to each other they slept with items of Kai's clutched in their hands and Hiccup heard them whispering prayers for Kai to be safe.

Hiccup had managed to get a few hours of sleep before he awoke with a terrible feeling in his gut.

He couldn't explain it because everything in the room was fine. The palace was quiet, the coms were silent, even the city seemed to finally be asleep. Still despite the calmness of everything Hiccup felt like something really bad was happening right now and the feeling made it hard for him to get anymore sleep. It persisted the rest of the night and into the morning.

The next morning the ninja all had training before they were supposed to take up their positions, but Hiccup excused himself so he could meet up with the dragon riders in this hidden blind spot area Snot-Lout and Tuff nut found the night before.

Hiccup moves through the finely trimmed hedge making sure no one saw him. When he got to the otherside of it he was happy to see everyone else already present.

"Hey Hiccup! Did you get to sleep in the beds here? The guard beds were amazing! It was like I was sleeping on a cloud," Tuff nut said dreamily. "I am definitely making one for myself when we get home," Snot-lout agrees looking very happy and well rested.

"Glad to know guard duty is treating you both well. What about you ladies? How's servant duty?" Hiccup asks. Ruff nut was wearing a outfit and makeup identical to Astrid making it hard to tell it was her, but the fact her hair was done in a twisted odd knot braid over a elegant bun made it a little easier to pick her out of the crowd. It looked like Ruff had done it herself, than someone else fixed it up.

She scowls leaning against the garden wall. "I got demoted to cleaning duty! The princess is a total slob! Even worse than me and Tuff and that is saying something! I hate cleaning Hiccup! Kai so owes me for this. Like sure I stole a lot of jewelry when I cleaned the Empress's room, but still," Ruff grumbles.

"Honestly not even going to scold you for it. These people have more than enough. She probably won't even notice them gone," Hiccup comments.

The twins were shocked but then their grins go wide. "So we have permission to plunder?" They both ask. "No historical items, and don't get caught those are my only rules," Hiccup answers and the twins look like children waking up on Snoggletog.

"Your really going to let them steal stuff?" Astrid asks. "Astrid. You've seen the inside of this place. I'll tell them not to steal, they'll steal anyway. I'm being realistic by telling them not to get caught," Hiccup answers.

"Do I have permission?" Snot-lout asks. "No," Hiccup shuts that down.

"Anyway report in. Did you guys get any inside information? If an attack is going to happen on a place this big it's got to have someone on the inside," Hiccup explains.

"Well didn't get anything from the guards. Though they did have a big fight on who was hotter. Nya or the princess. I personally think they are equally hot," Snot-lout said. "I was too busy stealing," Tuff said.

"Well I was snooping for palace gossip because of boredom. Anyway turns out that grumpy Hutchins dude? Big ninja fan! He even has a Kai doll in his pocket. I saw it when I "accidentally" bumped into him," Ruff laughs at her discovery.

Hiccup was genuinely surprised to hear this. "Really? He's always giving us side eye like he doesn't like us," Hiccup said. "Well I did hear from the guards Hutchins has been serving the royal family since he was a kid. He's probably just miffed that the people he's been loyal to all his life implied he wasn't capable of their protection himself," Snot-lout said with a mocking tone of voice.

Sequel to "A Viking Chief's Twins": War of Oni & DragonWhere stories live. Discover now