Going to Ninjago

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Goodbyes were made with families, essentials, basically just weapons, were packed, and Stoic made Lloyd swear on the gods to keep his son safe implying his failure to keep Kai safe.

Finally though everyone was on their dragons and in the air flying with Berk growing smaller behind them.

Weirdly enough Lloyd was joining the twins on their dragon instead of using his energy dragon. "Why aren't you on your dragon?" Snot-lout bluntly asks the question they were all thinking. Lloyd's eyes were behind them as they travelled further from Berk.

"Our elemental dragons can only be summoned when we are focused, unafraid, free of fear, ignore their worries. Right now though I'm too worried about Kai to focus," Lloyd answers as Berk became just a speck in the distance.

Lloyd looks around the area and then orders them to go above the clouds.

They do as told and finally satisfied Lloyd turns around to face them.

"Okay we're in a bit of a time crunch to get to Ninjago so this is what we're going to be doing," Lloyd pulls something of his pocket and holds it up for them to all see.

Their eyes widened and jaws dropped.

In Lloyd's hand was a diamond crystal the size of said hand and bigger than any precious gem the Vikings have seen before.

"Give me," Snot-lout said no hesitation making Lloyd pull it against his body. "No this isn't just some gem this is the realm crystal. A ancient magical artifact my grandfather created that can travel great distances in seconds," Lloyd explains.

"Wait is that how you guys always show up so quickly after we call?" Hiccup asks shocked and a little disbelieving, but it makes sense. No one had heard of ninjago from anyone but the ninja so they always assumed the island to be very far yet whenever they called it didn't seem to take the ninja very long to arrive.

"Yes and no. The only way in and out of Ninjago is with dragons, but that's only ever been with elemental dragons so I don't know if your dragons can do it. This is quicker and more guaranteed with success," Lloyd said and also because he didn't want to explain the new realms thing when the Vikings were sure to already be asking a lot of questions.

"Also Kai almost always steals this whenever he comes to visit you. No matter how much security is added to it he always steals it. I'm convinced he has Ember do it for him," Lloyd said making the baby dragon churr proudly.

"How does it work?" Hiccup asks.

"It's easy. Just need to hold it tight and think about where you want to go," Lloyd does as he instructs and then in front of all of the a dark blue cloud shaped like a circle opens up in front of them with the inside of it a dark blue swirling vortex that looked like the inside of a whirlpool.

"And there! Who's ready to see Ninjago and help find my brother?" Lloyd asks them with more urging than cheer.

Everyone and their dragons look at the portal wearily. Hiccup looks down at Tooth-less who looks up at Hiccup giving a reassuring roar. Wherever Hiccup went Tooth-less would trust and follow him.

Smiling Hiccup pets Tooth-less and looks to the riders.

"To Adventure!" He calls to his riders who all smile rallying around him. "To Adventure!" They call and everyone flies directly into the unknown.

Going into the portal it closes behind them and all ninja felt weightless for a moment of time with wind all around them and the world going unnaturally silent before they all came out on the other side of it.

Instantly the first thing Hiccup noticed was how the air felt. It was nowhere near as cold as the archipelago and Hiccup saw no ocean in sight as instead he saw sand. Miles upon miles of sand in every direction as far as the eye could see.

Sequel to "A Viking Chief's Twins": War of Oni & DragonWhere stories live. Discover now