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Okay Lloyd jumped the ball. Turns out the princess was not being kidnapped, instead Princess Harumi had snuck out of the palace to deliver some palace food to the less fortunate. Sadly even though Lloyd hadn't alerted the ninja Harumi was discovered to be missing so Lloyd burrowed some clothes hanging on a line and runs off with the princess to distribute the food.

Harumi gave it to the poor children on the street that couldn't afford to have clean clothes or those who couldn't afford medicine. Lloyd frowns looking at the children as they crowded around and begged for food to Harumi. Lloyd remembers when he was like these children, alone on the streets, no support system, and relying on the kindness of strangers to help him.

He even remembers that time when the ninja first found the Bounty and Lloyd happened upon them in the desert. He could see them inside laughing, and enjoying a warm full meal. Lloyd could have gone to them, but he was young and he feared the rejection after he had been banished by the hypnobrai. Lloyd had still feared being thrown back to the streets after the ninja took him in. It was only because of Kai's assurances and promises after his nightmares did Lloyd finally believe the others wouldn't throw him away the first chance they got.

Kai promised to always look out for him and that had been before they found out he was the green ninja, but Lloyd never believed it until Kai unlocked his true potential.

"Are you alright green ninja?" Harumi asks once they had given all the food away snapping Lloyd out of his thoughts. "You seem lost in thought," Harumi said as they walk up to a bridge. "It's nothing. Just looking at all those kids back there reminded me of myself before the ninja took me in," Lloyd explains fondly before shaking his head. "Hey what's it like? Being a princess I mean?" Lloyd questions.

Harumi shrugs her shoulders. Said it was nice living in the palace, but was overall very confining. She didn't seem very happy being a princess. "I'm sorry for Kai's earlier question. That was really rude of him," Lloyd explains.

Harumi hums softly and looks at Lloyd. "I'd say it was okay if the fire ninja said that, but that wasn't the fire ninja was it?" Lloyd's green eyes widened in fear. "How did you know?" Lloyd blurts out then realises what he said and slaps himself. "Oh I'm sorry I just.... I'm a big ninja fan. I know Kai is supposed to be a brash hot head, but I know someone who had lost his parents young wouldn't have asked the question so brashly. Not to mention he's a little taller but that could have just been my imagination," Harumi smiles to Lloyd a little embarrassed before she moves closer to him.

"If you don't mind me asking. Where is the red ninja?" Harumi asks. Lloyd pauses at this question before he looks down at the water. "We don't know. We have no solid leads after Kai set off a distress signal, but it was cut off before we could trace it. We think whoever took the first oni mask is behind Kai's disappearance so we're hoping if we can capture them we find my big brother," Lloyd explains.

Harumi nods along to the plan. "Alright but who is the fake? And why bother going through the trouble of it?" Harumi asks. "The guys real name is Hiccup. Personally I hate him. He's a jerk who's always trying to steal my big bro from us, but he looks a lot like Kai and he was the only person we could trust to pull it off. He's got a few skills so he can hold his own," Lloyd shrugs looking back at Harumi.

She tips her head to the side inquisitively and looks kinda cute doing so. "Pardon me if I'm being too brash, but you seem to have a very close bond to the red ninja don't you?" Harumi asks. Lloyd nods smiling a little thinking of Kai.

"I was a lot like those kids back there. I was on the streets, hungry being the son of Lord Garmadon was the only thing I had going for me, but it also meant a lot of people didn't want me around, or I wasn't enough like my father for them. When the ninja first took me in, mostly because uncle Wu ordered them too, Kai had been the one to look after me the most. He raised Nya by himself so I guess it just felt natural for him. I did not make it easy though for any of the ninja since I expected them to throw me out. First day there I did a lot of pranks to mess with their stuff. Even turned Zane's gi pink," Lloyd said and Harumi actually laughs hearing this.

Sequel to "A Viking Chief's Twins": War of Oni & DragonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu