911 39 3


Today was hard and not at the same time

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Today was hard and not at the same time. Lashawn had to put on and all black expensive black suit. As he looked seeing his wife put on a black dress.

They were getting ready to go to his funeral , where his mom would arrive. Laurence died of a " Heart Attack. "

Lashawn came downstairs " Legend and Lj yall ready ? " Lashawn asked.

" Yeah. " They said with no question.

Deja got ready for the funeral " Baby you don't have to come if you don't want to. I barely know him. " Deja said.

" I'm aight. " Von said as he adjusted his suit. " How's your leg ? It's okay without being in the brace ? " He asked.

" Yes. I took my medicine and I'm fine. " She said as she fixed his tie.

Everyone was on their way to the service , Lashawn put on his black shades, to avoid people. He then seen his mother and his biological father.

That shit made his skin crawl. This fuck was no where to be found in his childish hood.

He then started to walk over there but Sabrina grabbed his hand. " Lashawn. " Sabrina said.

" He doesn't deserve to be here. But aight. I got something for him. " Lashawn said.

He walked into the church. Walking up to see his brother in the coffin. He stared him down a couple minutes before sitting down to the front.

He then seen Deja and Dayvon come in. Lashawn got up , greeted Deja with a kiss on the cheek as he dabbed up Von.

He wasn't in his right state of mind. " Dad why do you have on shades ? It's gloomy outside. " Deja said.

" I saved you and him a seat right there. " He avoided her question.

It was a real nice service in the church , the choir got together and singed a special song. Afterwards Lashawn , his sons and his father helped carry the casket.

Lashawn had a word or two to say as the body was getting buried.

" We all loved Laurence , my little brother. He was always into things but me being the big brother I got him out of it. He was a shy kid growing up .. scared to talk to girls you know. " The crowd laughed a little.

The service was over " Lashawn. " Her mother said. She looked pissed off at him. " Ma'am? " He asked.

" I know you did this shit. "

" I just wanna know why?? Your own blood?" Mary his mother said.

He chuckled " I don't have to tell you shit. You just now wanna be saved and get sober. But my whole childhood you and this fat fuck only wanted to drink and sniff crack up your fucking nose. "

" You got the nerve Mary. And you wanna know something about your little boy? "

" Laurence Lyon... that motherfucka almost killed my daughter. She got shot twice over a hit your son didn't call off. " Laurence took off his glasses looking her in the eye.

" So if I had to do something that needed to be done for my baby girl ? Then I fucking did it. " Lashawn said.

" You're evil. " Mary gasp.

He patted her shoulder. " I know. " He chuckled walking off walking to his wife.

Everybody had something to eat , Lashawn thought it tasted funny. He looked to Sabrina. " What? " She raised an eyebrow.

" Nothin nothin" He said.

Some men came in her with a skully on. " LASHAWN , HIS KIDS AND DAYVON COME RIGHT THE FUCK NOW. " The men raised his guns.

" What the fuck is the obsession with this family." Deja said.

" NOW."A shot went off. They followed him into the chapel. " This shit feels so wrong we are in a chapel and you got a gun. " Legened said.

" Do it look like I give a fuck?! " The robber said.

As the robber had them held at gun point at the church , Lashawn started laughing. " Is you seriously laughing ? " Deja said raising her eyebrow.

He got high , accidentally eating a weed brownie.
" He's high. Is that you were trying to tell me ? Sabrina said.

" We want to know the real truth. You made a fake certificate saying he died of a heart attack." The robber said.

He laughed more and more , took off his glasses looking the robber in the eye.

" You stupid ? Why would I make a fake death certificate? I have the power to get what I want but that's stupid. " Lashawn said.

" Craig. It's also stupid to try to rob me and my family at gun point. You're with the DEA trying to see if I killed my own brother?"

" Do I gotta say this shit again ? We came out the same pussy ! " Lashawn said.

Legend and Lj was disgusted with that response.

Lashawn grabbed the Hennessy bottle and the cap went somewhere.

He chugged it down. " Let me give you some information so you can run to the cops. " He said.

" Laurence put a hit out for Dearra, Desmond owed Laurence over 10,000 dollars. He didn't pay. His men thought Dearra was Deja. "

" That motherfucka knew that though. He didn't say shit though. " He said.

" So I had the right to punch or whatever. But killing ain't me. " Lashawn pulled out his gun.

Deja was in distraught. " Man can we go fuck ? You the cops ? "

" I need to get my lady home. " Dayvon said.

" Let my family go and get the fuck on. Tell the cops that. " Lashawn said.

" Lashawn ! That's a cop ! " Sabrina said.
" You think I give a fuck ? He's a cop right ? This ain't protocol. And he isn't on the shift for today."

" So I will see you in court best believe. "

" He just wants justice for his friend. Aww cute." Lashawn said.

" Now let us the fuck go. " Lashawn said.

" Dad are you okay?? You seem broken. " Deja said as they were released.

" Because I am. Go home. " He said.

" Dad you didn't kill Laurence right ? " Legend asked.

Lashawn looked him in the eyes , he answered him with his eyes.

Everything was left incomplete.

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Part two is on the way 👌🏽

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