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Hello Unique babies! If you would like to communicate or have questions my instagram is @Arniyaunique

If you also have books you would like to write feel free to inbox me !


We went through the baby shower

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We went through the baby shower. Draco was mad close to her.

So I pulled him to the side.
" You fucking with my baby momma or what ? " Von said sipping from his red cup.

Draco chuckled " Nah you taking this shit out of proportion. " He said.

" Maybe I am. " Von said walking away from there I c ai conversation.

He called Treymon.
Treymon was smart , he could get information off you that you don't want to come up in the future.

Yes I was doubting my homeboy. Some weird shit was in the air and I don't like that shit.

If my home boy is playing me all along imma crash out.

Like I don't think imma come back from this.

" Treymon. Dig some shit up about Draco. Any and everything. You doing good in school? " He asked.

" Graduating next year. Scholarships are lining up from basketball and football. " He said.

Von smiled , he loved seeing how far Treymon has become.

" Ight that's good , imma send you a big one Ight ? "

" No doubt , everything okay though ? " He said checking up on Von.

" Ion know. Imma get through it though. " He said.

Von made sure journey got the gifts and shit at home and he payed the people to clean up.

He headed up to Bralo house. It was just Bralo and Dearra.

" Wassuo D. " He said to Dearra said.
" Hey , baby I'll be back. " She said giving him a kiss headed out the door.

" She leaving cus I'm here ? "
" Nah , she got work and shit. Wassup how you been ? " Bralo said dabbing Von up.

" Ion know but I'm straight. I got a question. " He said sitting down after he dabbed Bralo up.

" Wassup ? " He said.
" Draco ain't been weird to you ? " Von said.

" He was close to journey. I seen the shit in the blogs. You sure they ain't fuckin ? " Bralo said.

Von snapped his fingers together and he stood up because he knew he wasn't tripping.

" That's what the fuck a nigga was saying. He tryna make it seem like I'm tripping but I'm not. I feel like I'm getting set up. But Draco my brother ain't it ? " He said.

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