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I woke up to the police bamming at my door

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I woke up to the police bamming at my door. In my mind I was like what the fuck .

He got up putting on his slides wiping his face walking to the door.

" Aye why yall bamming on my shit? It's not even 8 o clock. " He said.

" Davyon. You're under the arrest for the assault of Julian Edgewater. " The cops turned him around arresting him.

Von made a face and chuckled. " This shit too corny. " He said.

" You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you?" The cops said.

" Yeah I guess. " He said as people watched him get sat in the cops car.

He sat in orange jumpsuit and he walked into the cell block.

He seen a couple familiar face and he turned to the guard.

" Aye when can I get a call? " He asked.
" You can do it now. " The guard said.

He went to the booth and called Deja.

Deja was in her dorm room and she answered. " Who's this ? " She asked.

" You have a collect call from " Von " Chicago county jail.

" Von?? What the fuck you doing in jail!!? " She panicked a little.

" I can't have you panicking. They locked me up from what happened that night. " He didn't have to go into detail because he didn't need to.

" Ion know how long imma be in here for. But imma get through it. " He said.

" What do you mean you? We meaning me and you are going to get through this. Do you need me to do anything? " She asked.

" Not right now. I'm finna call bralo to get Jpay and shit set up. But I shouldn't een have a big ass case." He said.

He called Bralo, Bralo immediately knew where he was. The streets talk.

" I know that was embarrassing as fuck mane. " Bralo said.

" Not really, motherfuckas go to jail everyday. It was just embarrassing as fuck is that a nigga went to jail when he just woke up. " Von laughed.

" Word. " He said laughing.
" I want Lashawn and Lashawn only. That's the only motherfucka. I know that can get me out. " He said.

" Bet. You talked to Deja? " He asked.
" Just got off the phone with shawty. " He said.

He sat in the jail cell and he came out playing spades.

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