The Twins are here Prt-1

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It's been a few months since Jayden,Dani and Lyndon all have made up and got back on good terms, Jayden was now in the delivery room having heavy constant contractions. The twins were on the way and Lyndon wasn't even there yet. Dani had just arrived.

"Nah fuck this, I want a C section!" Jayden was highly annoyed and in pain, she didn't want anyone touching her, poking her or even checking to see how dilated she was. "Keep your hands off me yo!" Jayden pushed the nurse away, Dani just stood by her but didn't touch her "Where is Lyndon?" She asked "On her way, the traffic is heavy." Dani answered "Fuck this, I want an epidural!" Jayden was not only mad that Lyndon wasn't there but mad at the fact that they wouldn't give her a C section. "Ma'am you are fully dilated we can't give you an epidural." The nurse said  "WHERE THE FUCK IS LYNDON!" Jayden couldn't handle the pain anymore and she felt the urge to push. "Hold my hand" Dani placed her hand in Jayden's, The doctor and nurse were ready to deliver the twins naturally "OH MY FUCKIN GOSH!" Jayden screamed as she pushed and pushed, Twin 1 made her appearance first "I'm here I'm here!" Lyndon came in, she went to Jayden's other side and held her leg and hand "Fuck you!" Jayden cried out "Push, 1,2,3,4,5,6,...7...8..9...10!" The nurse counting was pissing Jayden off, she didn't want anyone talking or making noise, her vagina was being ripped open "AHHHH FUUUCK!" She cried and screamed as she pushed and pushed, The second twin wasn't coming out as easy as the first one  "Fuck man, this shit hurts!" Jayden cried "Jayden I have to make a cut in order for your baby to come out." The doctor numbed the area where she needed to cut beforehand "Fuck man!" The episiotomy was performed and soon after baby #2 was born. 

Jayden King

"I'm not ever having another baby again!" I said "You don't have to." Dani wiped my face with a wet cloth "Look at them, wow!" Lyndon was taking pictures of the twins, they looked so much like her it kind of creeped me out, I don't know what it was but whoaaa! "They look just like you, you did great with the donor." Dani said "Yea!" I said "Thank you!" Lyndon smiled "You okay?" Dani asked me "My vagina hurts but I'll be fine." I was pissed off that Lyndon wasn't even here to see our daughter be born but it really wasn't her fault, I went into labor and dilated super fast, she was at work when Dani called her. "Do you plan on breast or bottle feeding?" A nurse asked "Bottle." "Breast!" "What?"  "I'm not breastfeeding Lyndon, we talked about this!" I was annoyed and Lyndon wasn't making it any better "Breast is best!"  "Fed is best!" I said "Dani say something!" I said "I agree with Jayden honestly."  "Nurse?"  "Wether you choose to breastfeed or formula feed that is your choice, both are healthy and we have plenty of formula options, a few options are very close to breast milk." The nurse spoke. Lyndon looked at me with anger in her eyes "Do what you want, your body your choice right?" She shook her head, if it wasn't for my vagina having stitches in it right now I'd get up and swing on her, I just gave birth I don't need this Bs. "Can we have Enfamil Enspire Optimum formula?" I asked "Sure, I'll be right back." The nurse smiled and left. "Soo you aren't even going to try breastfeeding?" Lyndon was holding our daughter, Dani held our son "I breastfed Jayden Jr, I don't want to breastfeed twins, that's a lot of work." I said "Lyndon she just gave birth, give her a break bro!" Dani said. "Whatever, if something happen to them in the future because you chose not to breastfeed ima hold that shit over your head forever!" Lyndon handed me the baby and then walked out of the room. "Wow!" Dani and I said in unison.

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