Meet Bandz

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Jailene King.

I ran into my mom's second fiancée, Dani.. it's something about her that I like but I can't figure it out, thing is she is around my age and she is super fine too. "I can't get her out of my mind, I have to make a move!" I say to myself. I pull up outside of my mom's place where Dani was meeting her, my moms won't be here for another hour, that gives me plenty of time. I knock on the door "Why you knocking on your own do..." Dani says. "Oh my bad, I thought it was your mother, Is everything okay?" She asks "Yes but can I talk to you before she gets back!?" I ask "What's up?" Dani and I sat down at the small table "Ima just say it!" I take a deep breath "I'm feeling you!" I say in a low tone "Whoaa, Wait a minute... am I being set up because this ain't cool!" Dani giggles nervously "No, You aren't being set up, When I am around you I get this tingly feeling and my heart starts to race, I get all shy and a bit jealous..." I sigh "Jailene I...." I cut her off "It's okay you don't have to say it!" I sigh again "I think you are a great person but.." Dani gets up and opens the door "But?" I ask "I love your mother and I could never hurt her... Hey babe!"

"I get it, if you ever wanna have some fun, text me!" I hand her her phone back. She had no idea that I took it. "Hey moms, I'm about to head out!" I hug Jayden, my mother!
Jayden King

"What was that all about?" I asked Dani "None of your business!" I laugh it off "If y'all are planning some type of surprise ima beat your ass!" I pull Dani into me, leaving soft kisses on her lips "How's the babies doing?" Dani asks "Very good, Babe I want to go out to eat!" I say "Where at?" "An African restaurant authentic though!" I smile.
We go to Yaw's kitchen and make ourselves two plates each "I can't wait to eat!" I rub my hands together "Babe!" Dani motions her eyes, I look up and see a fine ass stud, I mean FINEEEEE! "Do you know her?" I asked "No, she's sexy though!" Dani smiled and so did I.

"What's up what's your name?" I ask the woman "What's it to you?" She looks me up and down "Just making conversation!" I say "My name is Bandz, what's yours?" She asks "Jayden but I go by Jay and this is Dani!" I extend my hand, she shakes it "Y'all stud for stud or some shit?" She says with an attitude "Yep we are!" Dani stands up "How tall are you Jay?" She asks "six feet!" I say "You like five ten huh?" She asks Dani "Damn you a detective or something?" Dani laughs "Actually I am!" She pulls out her badge, Dani puts her hands up in surrender mode "How old are you?" I ask Bandz "29 how about you?" She asks "I'm grown!" I match her attitude "What about that lil baby over there!" She nods to Dani "Old enough!" She rolls her eyes "So you need you a grown woman huh?" Bandz looks me up and down again. "Funny, friends would be nice so can I have your number?" I ask "Let me see your phone!" She takes the iPhone from me and stores her number and name. We all sit down and eat together while talking, Bandz is cool and her attitude is something serious.

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