Chapter 21

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"Can we talk?, somewhere in private?" Aakash said still holding my wrist.

"Um, sure but I'd appreciate it if you remove your hand from my wrist."

"Oh, I'm sorry about that"  Aakash said finally letting go of my hand.

As he mentioned the word private, we both walked out of the classroom since there's still time before the first period,
While Looking for an adequate place, I noticed the look in Aakash's eyes, something says he's mad and upset, I've only seen him bumping into me and smiling I doubt I did something to make him mad,
Gosh but what did I do.

"Um this place would be fine" Aakash broke the silence, pointing towards the stairway where I was with Dakshith a few seconds ago.
A restless feeling took place in my body.

Sanjh- "Sure, what did you wanna talk about?"

Aakash- "About , err.. yesterday"

Sanjh- "Oh, I'm really sorry for Dakshith's behaviour last night, I'm sure he didn't mean anything serious by that, let me apologise on his behalf"

Aakash- "You don't have to apologise about that, But can I ask you something?"

Sanjh- "Yeah sure what is it Aakash?"

Aakash- "Are you dating Dakshith?"

"Huh? Am I what with who?"
Still surprised on the fact that how could someone ever imagine me and Dakshith dating I couldn't stop getting hiccups for the first few seconds before I finally replied "No, of course not"

"That's a relief then" Aakash sighed, the sign of him being mad and upset dropping away from his face and a slight soft grin appearing on his lips.

"Why?" I asked confusing over how it's a relief to him

"Nevermind!, it means you're single right? I'll be leaving now see you in class!" Aakash said exclaiming and jumping on his way to the classroom.

Wait, he doesn't like me does he?

----- After the first four lectures-----

Jatin- "finally, let's go for lunch I'm starving"
Aditya- "Hell yeah Me too, Sanjh? Will you be joining?"

"Oh, um thanks but I'll be having lunch with bhawna and anjali" I said shutting close my books and rushing towards the cafeteria hall.

Within a few minutes I finally showed up to the canteen lobby where Bhawna and Anjali were already giggling together.

"Girls you won't believe what happened" I shouted Raising my eyebrows slamming both of my palms against the table probably too loud since everyone was looking at me.

"what?" Bhawna and Anjali chimed in unison

"That New student, Aakash guy just asked me to talk somewhere in private and you won't believe what he asked"

"What did he ask tell us already?" They both chimed in unison once again this time with excitement flashing all over their face.

"He asked me if I'm dating Dakshith, and when I said no he was literally jumping and laughing like a kid"

"Wait, what?" Bhawna Said grinning harder than me, "Girl, he's totally into you"

Anjali- "Yeah but I don't think he's a nice person didn't he throw a bag at you earlier"

"It didn't hit me" I said throwing my hands in the air neglecting the fact that she's right and Aakash could be a bully.

Anjali- "Yeah, well that's because Dakshith saved you"

Sanjh- "Come on Anjali it was his bag after all and what if Aakash threw the bag at me to get my attention?"

Bhawna- "That's some weird way to get attention of the girl you like, I must say"

Anjali - "Exactly, that's what I'm saying so sanjh please don't let your guard down around him"

"Fine whatever" I sighed crunching my sandwiches.

While I enjoyed my sandwich my eyes wanderered over the cafeteria peeking into everybody's lunch and suddenly my eyes came across Mishika,

She seemed to be looking for something or someone when she raised her hand in the air probably calling out a person,
That's when I noticed Dakshith walking beside Mishika.
"So, he's here for her" I whispered in my head as he continued walking in Mishika's direction but my thought vanished when I saw him still continuing walking past Mishika her hand still in the air as she watched dakshith walk ahead of her.

By the looks of it he's clearly walking in my direction.

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