chapter 2

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The school bell rings and we all gather in the hallway for assembly. I'm bored and i am looking for mr. Aggarwal who's our math teacher to see if my day will go any worse or not

and that's when i find Dakshith standing next to me in line, staring the shit out of me as if i just spilled tea all over his summer assignment. He's close enough to hear me whispering so I say

"What's wrong with you?"

Dakshith- "Are you looking for mr. Aggarwal?"

Sanjh- "Yeah well-"

What? How does he know?

"There, behind you" he says

"But you're next to me" i reply

"Mr. Aggarwal" he says while rolling his eyes

"Yeah what about him?" I ask

"Do you know how dumb you sound right now?"  He says to me

"What why?"

He shook his head
"Nothing just say the prayer"

I hate how he says it.
As if I wasn't annoyed enough , I hear him whispering

"You're annoying and dumb"

why is everyone just getting on my nerves today. I can't imagine my first day of grade 11 going  like this . And then I hear that annoying and deep voice again

"You're short and dumb and you talk to yourself I wonder how you even managed to pass the last grade"

That's too much. He's done, but what does  being short even has to do with my grades.

I screamed at him
"Will you shut your shitty ass mouth?"

Oh God has my voice become so loud?
No? Then is my voice echoing?
Wait why is everybody looking at me?

I totally forgot we were in the assembly hall and i just screamed so loudly In front of the entire school. Oh God why me what did i do I'll never eat chicken on a Tuesday ever again please forgive me. The day just started and I'm already hating it .

"You should have listened to me" i hear dakshith whispering again

"Did you not hear what I just said to you?"

I say to him in a low voice while I feel Mrs Verma grabbing me from the back and telling me to behave

"Sanjh, Will you please behave yourself? You're in the school assembly it's not your house"

she says
And I hear dakshith laughing at me

"You too, behave" she says to dakshith

The bell rings again and we're heading back to our classes

Anjali - "hey what's going on with you and dakshith?"

"Why would anything go between me and that dick shit"

she chuckles and says
"why don't you just sit with me? It's not like I'm sitting too far back. we'll sit on the second desk, what do you say?"

"Well you're annoying but still not as much as him so I don't mind"
I reply to her as we reach the classroom

She pauses there and says "hey I need to go to the bathroom I'll be right back"


I want to wait for her outside in the hallway but  it's just so hot out there i just wanna sit in front of the ac .

As I enter the classroom i find a bag in the air coming towards me as if someone threw it using all their physics

Shoot, no time to be sarcastic I'm done for.
The bag will hit me for sure and-

Huh? Why is it so dark? Wait is that the back of a human, Am i really that short? Or is his back just so wide?

"What do you think you're doing?" 

I hear him saying it in his usual deep and cold voice while he seizes the bag with his one hand and the other resting in his pocket

It's him, dakshith I can tell just by hearing his voice but this time it's different.

"Hey chill, didn't mean to hurt anyone"

I hear another voice that I'm not familiar with

Ps. To anyone who doesn't know what eating chicken has to do with something as normal as a Tuesday.

In India Tuesday is considered as a holy day, and hence people really avoid eating any kind of flesh on Tuesdays.

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