Chapter 8

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As Mr. Bansal entered the classroom, I could hear my pulse roaring in my ears. I was scared, full of fear, my queasiness wouldn't settle.He started handing over the answer sheets to the students one by one.The closer my turn came, the more restless I became.I felt weak, extremely weak. My hands started to shake even more.I wanted to run away, but something stopped me. 

"I'm here, Sanjh" Dakshith said to me as he held my hands in his. 

His touch was so warm, gentle and comforting. I didn't know I needed to hear those two words so badly. The strange feeling I had settled somewhere. His hand holding mine felt strangely comfortable.I didn't know how I really felt at the time, but I knew one thing for sure: I didn't feel weak now.I felt encouraged, just by a mere touch. 

"And here's yours" Mr. Bansal interrupted us and gave Dakshith his remarks. 

He got an A+ 

Bloody A+ guy 

Soon Bansal noticed us holding hands.I quickly removed my hand from Dakshith's And let them rest on my lap as they started to feel shaky again, but the warmth of Dakshith's hand still remained with them, which was slightly comforting. 

A strange expression appeared on Bansal's face as he walked towards my desk.

 "And here are yours, Sanjh" I hate the way he said it.

 I could not even look him in the eyes.I took the sheet from him and before I could even look at my grade his hand was groping my shoulder.It felt absolutely disgusting. All the comfort Dakshith gave me vanished within seconds. My hands started shaking even more and my face probably turned pale. My whole body was trembling. Bansal's fingers began to grow brutal against my shoulder. 

"You did great, Sanjh. You're a very bright student. If you ever need help with anything you can visit me personally"

 Visit him personally?What the hell? 

Did he actually say that to me, in front of the entire class? While groping my shoulder?I wish I could just kick him hard on his crotch and I would have if it weren't for Dakshith.

 Dakshith - "Don't you think you're being informal?" 

Mr. Bansal - "Excuse me?" 

Dakshith- "You're a teacher, but you aren't behaving like one, who even says something like'Visit me personally' to a female student?" 

Mr. Bansal- " I am just trying to help, is that informal?" 

Dakshith- "You're not helping at all, she's uncomfortable with your presence."

 Mr. Bansal - " May I ask who you are to decide that?"

 Dakshith - " I am not deciding anything, you've been groping her shoulder for so long now,she's trembling and obviously is not okay with that." 

Mr. Bansal- " Why don't we just ask her?" 

He looked at me with an annoyed expression and asked me to stand up. His hand was still on my shoulder. 

Mr. Bansal- "Are you uncomfortable with my behaviour towards you, Sanjh?"

 Yes I was. I wanted to tell him to stop it from the very first day. I wanted to slap him on the face and tell him what a fucking pervert he is.I wanted to complain about him to the higher authorities. But I was just a weak little girl and no one would have listened to me or believed me.It's not like I didn't try to tell anyone about it.I even wrote a letter to the principal but never got a response. 

"Please answer me,"  he said to me.I wanted to answer him violently.

 But for the moment I said, 

"Sir, I would really appreciate it if you would stop touching me like that, it is indeed uncomfortable" 

He let out a scoff and finally removed his hand from my shoulder. I could see it in his face that he is going to make it worse

 Mr. Bansal - "You're uncomfortable with me being nice? You won't even pass the test if I stop being nice, why would you assume I want to touch you? You're not even that pretty in the first place. These days, kids can't even accept kindness."

 I wouldn't even pass?

 I'm not even that pretty? 


The first time I've ever tried to speak for myself, and it goes like this?I was humiliated in return?I was on the verge of breaking into tears but then I saw Dakshith's jaw stiffen.He stood up, went to Mr. Bansal and said

 "Apologize to her right now"

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