Chapter 12

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⚠️ chapter too long ⚠️

When I saw Bansal, my feet remained where they were, I stopped running and for a solid minute stood there watching Bansal enter school.

After a moment I hid my face with my backpack and ran towards the bathroom, I can't face him alone without dakshith.

I went crying into the bathroom and kept whispering under my breath "Where are you dakshith"After a while when the first lecture was over, I finally gathered the courage to step outside of the bathroom.

I watched Bansal leave my classroom and finally stepped outside. I was all alone again, My brain was bursting with pain and my entire body started to grow numb. "Where are you dakshith?" I said again under my breath crying.

On my way to the class, a strange voice met my ears, I turned around to look at her and behind me, a 4-5-year-old little girl was standing. "Are you hiding from that bad teacher?" She said

Bad teacher? Must be Bansal

"No, umm. I'm not hiding.." I paused as I realised how I was lying to a little girl."Yes, I am hiding" I finally replied

"Me too," she said looking down at the floor

Is she hiding from Bansal? But why-

Fuck no, don't tell me Bansal did something to this little girl as well? Is he a monster!? How can he do that to a little girl? I knelt and held the girl close to me hugging her, and let out a tear.

"What did he do to you, honey?" I said to the little girl

"He told me to not tell anyone, or he will expel me"

"You can tell me, I won't let anything happen to you, I promise" I hesitated in saying the word promise, these are pretty much the same words dakshith said to me and then just disappeared.

The girl told me how Bansal would make her sit on his lap and then grope her when nobody was there, It shattered my heart,He is not a human at all, how can he do that to a little girl who's the age of his daughter?I hugged the girl a little tighter and reassured her that I would get Bansal out of the school.

But how can I do that? I don't have any proof against him that will work... Except for his phone.

I patted the girl's forehead and asked her to go back to her classroom, after she left I rushed towards the staff room and went to Bansal's cabin, Before entering the cabin I said to myself

"Just because dakshith didn't come, doesn't mean I can't do it myself, I've waited for three weeks, and I can't wait for more"

I stepped into the staffroom and then Bansal's cabin I looked around for a second and then locked the room and started searching for his phone. Found it! In the bottom drawer of his desk. I unlocked the phone as I already knew the password. It was his birth date.Before clicking the app 'albums' I took a deep breath as I knew what a big risk I was taking but it is important to expose bansal.

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